The assigned readings below are discussed at the journal club meetings during the semester. Supplemental papers are listed at the bottom.
Journal Club 1, Ses 13 | Main PaperSengupta, P., J. H. Chou, et al. "odr–10 Encodes a Seven Transmembrane Domain Olfactory Receptor Required for Responses to the Odorant Diacetyl." Cell 84, no. 6 (1996): 899–909. Additional ReadingBargmann, C. I., E. Hartwieg, et al. "Odorant–selective Genes and Neurons Mediate Olfaction in C. elegans." Cell 74, no. 3 (1993): 515–27. Troemel, E. R., B. E. Kimmel, et al. "Reprogramming Chemotaxis Responses: Sensory Neurons Define Olfactory Preferences in C. elegans." Cell 91, no. 2 (1997): 161–9. |
Journal Club 2, Ses 18 | Main PaperCabreiro, F., C. Au, et al. "Metformin Retards Aging in C. elegans by Altering Microbial Folate and Methionine Metabolism." Cell 153, no. 1 (2013): 228–39. Additional ReadingsPernicova, I., and M. Korbonits. "Metforminmode of Action and Clinical Implications for Diabetes and Cancer." Nature Reviews Endocrinology 10, no. 3 (2014): 143–56. Clemente, J. C., L. K. Ursell, et al. "The Impact of the Gut Microbiota on Human Health: An Integrative View." Cell 148, no. 6 (2012): 1258–70. |
Journal Club 3, Ses 28 | Main PaperMeisel, J. D., O. Panda, et al. "Chemosensation of Bacterial Secondary Metabolites Modulates Neuroendocrine Signaling and Behavior of C. elegans." Cell 159, no. 2 (2014): 267–80. Additional ReadingsPrice–Whelan, A., L. E. Dietrich, et al. "Rethinking 'Secondary' Metabolism: Physiological Roles for Phenazine Antibiotics." Nature Chemical Biology 2, no. 2 (2006): 71–8. Prasad, Brinda C., and Randall R. Reed. "Chemosensation: Molecular Mechanisms in Worms and Mammals." Trends in Genetics 15, no. 4 (1999): 150–3. |
Journal Club 4, Ses 43 | Main PaperGhosh, R., E. C. Andersen, et al. "Natural Variation in a Chloride Channel Subunit Confers Avermectin Resistance in C. elegans." Science 335, no. 6068 (2012): 574–8. Additional ReadingsAndersen, E. C., J. P. Gerke, et al. "Chromosome–scale Selective Sweeps Shape Caenorhabditis Elegans Genomic Diversity." Nature Genetics 44, no. 3 (2012): 285–90. Manolio, T. A., et al. "Finding the Missing Heritability of Complex Diseases." Nature 461, no. 7265 (2009): 747–53. |
Journal Club 5, Ses 48 | Main PaperCostanzo, M., A. Baryshnikova, et al. "The Genetic Landscape of a Cell." Science 327, no. 5964 (2010): 425–31. Additional ReadingJ. L., HartmanIV, Garvik B., et al. "Principles for the Buffering of Genetic Variation." Science 291, no. 5506 (2001): 1001–4. Chan, D. A., and A. J. Giaccia. "Harnessing Synthetic Lethal Interactions in Anticancer Drug Discovery." Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 10, no. 5 (2011): 351–64. |
Journal Club 6, Ses 53 | Main PaperWang, T., J. J. Wei, et al. "Genetic Screens in Human Cells Using the CRISPR–Cas9 System." Science 343, no. 6166 (2014): 80–4. Additional ReadingCong, L, et al. "Multiplex Genome Engineering Using CRISPR/Cas Systems." Science 339, no. 6121 (2013): 819–23. Barrangou, R., and L. A. Marraffini. "CRISPR–Cas Systems: Prokaryotes Upgrade to Adaptive Immunity." Molecular Cell 54, no. 2 (2014): 234–44. |
Journal Club 7, Ses 58 | Main PaperWeinreich, D. M., N. F. Delaney, et al . "Darwinian Evolution Can Follow Only Very Few Mutational Paths to Fitter Proteins." Science 312, no. 5770 (2006): 111–4. Additional ReadingTokuriki, N., and D. S. Tawfik. "Protein Dynamism and Evolvability." Science 324, no. 5924 (2009): 203–7. |
Journal Club 8, Ses 63 | Main PaperHolmes, D. L., A. K. Lancaster, et al. "Heritable Remodeling of Yeast Multicellularity by an Environmentally Responsive Prion." Cell 153, no. 1 (2013): 153–65. Additional ReadingHalfmann, R., D. F. Jarosz. "Prions are a Common Mechanism for Phenotypic Inheritance in Wild Yeasts." Nature 482 (2012): 363–8. Soto, C. "Transmissible Proteins: Expanding the Prion Heresy." Cell 149, no. 5 (2012): 968–77. |
Supplemental Papers
Jones, A. K., S. D. Buckingham, et al. "Chemistry-to-Gene Screens in Caenorhabditis Elegans." Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 4, no. 4 (2005): 321–30.
Jorgensen, E. M., and S. E. Mango. "The Art and Design of Genetic Screens: Caenorhabditis Elegans." Nature Reviews Genetics 3, no. 5 (2002): 356–69.