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Homework Assignments
Assignment 1Design and implement a biological pathway interaction database (PID) system (PDF) (Courtesy of Huey Eng Chua. Used with permission.) | Schaefer, C. A., et al. "PID: The Pathway Interaction Database." (PDF) Data adapted from PID (XLS) PostgreSQL Mini Installation User Guide (PDF) (Courtesy of Huey Eng Chua. Used with permission.) |
Assignment 2Parsing and querying XML documents (PDF) (Courtesy of Boon-Siew Seah. Used with permission.) | Nux tutorial (PDF) (Courtesy of Boon-Siew Seah. Used with permission.) |
Term Paper
Instructions for the term paper (PDF)
Example term paper proposal for "Unifying Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Systems in Singapore." (PDF) (Courtesy of Huey Eng Chua. Used with permission.)
Example student presentation on final project: "Constructing a Conformational Space of Pro-Ser-Thr Rich Non-Globular Domains." (PDF) (Courtesy of Chengcheng Liu. Used with permission.)