This page presents complete lecture notes for modules 1 and 3, plus a couple of notes for module 2.
Module 1: Phylogenetic Inference (PI) (Instructor: Prof. Alm) | |
1 | Course Overview Introduction to Phylogenetic Inference; Case Studies; Phylogenetic Trees; Quick Review of Recursion (PDF) |
2 | Review of UPGMA; Purpose of Phylogenetics; Newick Notation (PDF) |
3 | Phylogenetic Trees: Overview, Possible Trees Python®: Trees; Data Structure, Parsing Function (PDF) |
4 | Parsimony; Sankoff Downpass Algorithm (PDF) |
5 | Downpass (cont.); Fitch's Up Pass (PDF) |
6 | Up Pass (cont.) (PDF) |
7 | Parsimony (cont.); Overall Strategy; Maximum Likelihood (ML); Jukes-Cantor; Evolutionary Model (PDF) |
8 | Greedy Algorithm for Trying Trees Review (PDF) |
9 | Exam 1 |
Module 2: Molecular Modeling / Protein Design (MM/PD) (Instructor: Prof. Alm) | |
10 | Introduction to The Protein Design Problem. What Makes Proteins Fold? Entropy (PDF) |
11 | MM/PD Lecture 2 |
12 | MM/PD Lecture 3 |
13 | Dihedrals, Build Order (PDF) (Courtesy of Mike Yee. Used with permission.) |
14 | MM/PD Lecture 5 |
15 | MM/PD Lecture 6 |
16 | MM/PD Lecture 7 |
17 | MM/PD Lecture 8 |
18 | Exam 2 |
Module 3: Discrete Reaction Event Network Modeling (DRENM) (Instructor: Prof. Endy) | |
19 | When to Use Computational Methods vs. Exact Methods; The Physics Model Underlying Exact Methods (PDF) |
20 | Physics Model Underlying Exact Methods (cont.); Using Physics Model to Compute When a Reaction will Take Place. (PDF) |
21 | Review of How Physics Model Leads to Computational Method; The Complete Computational Method (Gillespie's Direct and First Reaction Methods) (PDF) |
22 | Difference Between Reaction Rate and Reaction Propensity; Achieving Faster Computation (PDF) |
23 | Next Reaction Method Algorithm; Application to Genetic Memory (Latch) (PDF) |
24 | Review of Key Concepts (PDF 1) (PDF 2) |
25 | Exam 3 |