1 | The Roots of Narrative: Lumiere vs. Melies | Melies Films. The Lumiere Brothers. First Films. Maddin, Guy. The Heart of the World. | |
2 | Video Narrative vs. Film Narrative | ||
3 | Documentary vs. Narrative | Kuchar, George. VideoDiary. 1987. Huyghe, Pierre. One Million Kingdoms. 2001. ———. The Third Memory. 2000. Islam, Runa. Visit to List Gallery: Rapid Eye Movement. | |
4 | Diaristic Narrative | Rainer, Yvonne. Film about a Woman Who… Calle, Sophie, and Greg Shephard. No Sex Last Night. 1992. Rist, Pippilotti. She's Not a Girl Who Misses Much. Kim, Sung Kwan. A-DA-DA. | |
5 | Presentations: Assignment #1: Variations on a Scene | Morin, Robert. Yes Sir Madam. | Assignment #1 due |
6 | Production In-class / Lighting and Re-staging | ||
7 | Oneiric Video (Dream Narrative) Presentations: Assignment #1a: Re-staging | Bunuel, Luis, and Salvador Dali. Un Chien Andalou. 16 mins. 1928. Deren, Maya. Meshes of the Afternoon. Tarkovsky. The Mirror. (Excerpt) Friedrich, Sue. Gently down the Stream. | Assignment #1a due |
8 | Minimal Narrative Presentations: Assignment #2: Dream Sequence Assignment Rough Cut | Sokurov, A. Mother and Son. Fassbinder. Petra Von Kant. Stan Douglas / Jeff Wall / Gregory Crewdson | Assignment #2 due |
9 | Beyond the Rules | Sokurov, A. Mother and Son. (Excerpt) | |
10 | Alternative Scriptwriting | Ahwesh, and Sanborn. The Dead Man. Greaves, William. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm. (Excerpt) | |
11 | Editing In-class Production: The Kuleshov Effect Presentations: Assignment #2a: Re-editing of Dream Sequence | Assignment #2a due | |
12 | Mise en Scene (Production In-class) Presentations of Assignment #3: Slice of Life Mini-Narrative (Fictionalizing Reality) | Welles, Orson. Touch of Evil. (Excerpt) Sokurov, A. Mother and Son. Bresson, R. Pickpocket. | Assignment #3 due |
13 | Introduction to Assignment #4: Deconstructing Narrative In-class Production | ||
14 | Individual Meetings | Gibbons, Joe. From High Art to Lowbrow: The Genius (Trailer) and Other Shorts. | |
15 | Individual Meetings | Joe Gibbons selected works Douglas Gordon Richard Foreman Eija-Liisa Ahtila | |
16 | Introduction to Assignment #5: Final Project Narrative Critique | Child, Abby. Mayhem. 1984. Muller, Mathias. Home Stories. Arnold, Martin. Life Wastes Andy Hardy. Tcherkassky, Peter. Outer Space. | |
17 | In-class Production | ||
18 | Presentations: Rough Cuts and Assemblies, Dailies, for Final Project | ||
19 | Voice-over Narration and Audio Recording Demo: FCP Voice-over, Miking Techniques Presentations: Assignment #4: Deconstructing Narrative Exercise | Kar-Wai, Wong. Chunking Express. (Excerpt) McQueen, Steve. LiftOff. | Assignment #4 due |
20 | Presentations | ||
21 | Narrative Critique | ||
22 | The Game of Form Presentations of Final Project Works-in-Progress | Robbe-Grillet, A. Last Year at Marienbad. | |
23 | Voice-over Narration | ||
24-26 | Presentations: Assignment #5: Final Project Presentations | Final Project Screening | Assignment #5 due |