1 | Introduction to the Course | Various Excerpts. The Order Mathew Barney. | |
2 | Technical Workshop: Demonstration of DV Cameras In-class Exercise #1: "Camera Play" | Basic Film Terms. | |
3 | Introduction to Assignment #1: "Abstractions" Technical Workshop: Introduction to Editing Lab and Final Cut Pro® Early History of Video Art Pt 1 | The Electronic Canvas - WGBH. Leger, Fernand. Ballet Mecanique. | |
4 | Introduction to Assignments #2 and #3: Edit "Abstractions" Early History of Video Art Pt 2: Aesthetics of the Video Signal | Nam June Paik. Peter Campus. Richter, Hans. Rhythmus 21. Eggling, Viking. Abstractions. Gibbons, Joe. Analogue. | Assignment #1 due |
5 | Introduction to Assignment #4: Personal Documentary (Autobiography) Technical Workshop: Camera Supports | Huyghe, Pierre. The Third Memory 2000. Hill, Jerome. Film Portrait. Gibbons, Joe. Living in the World. | Assignments #2 and #3 due |
6 | Introduction to Assignment #4: Personal Documentary (Autobiography) (cont.) | Huyghe, Pierre. The Third Memory 2000. Hill, Jerome. Film Portrait. Gibbons, Joe. Living in the World. Wilcha, Chris. The Target Shoots First. | Ideas for Assignment #4 due |
7 | Technical Workshop: Audio Recording Introduction to Assignment #4: Personal Documentary (Autobiography) (cont.) Technical Concepts, Resolution, Formats, Degradation, etc. | Assignment #4 works-in-progress due | |
8 | Assignment #4: "Personal Doc" | Assignment #4 due | |
9 | Introduction to Assignment #5: Personae and the Fictive Self (Autobiography) | McBride, David. D. Holzman’s Diary. Morin, Robert. Yes Sir Madam. Gibbons, Joe, and Tony Oursler. On Our Own. | |
10 | Technical Workshop: Lighting Introduction to Assignment #6: Group Exercise (In and Out of Class): Camera Placement and Continuity – "Hartley" | Hold Me While I’m Naked. | |
11 | Individual Presentations: Lighting Begin Individual Edits of Assignment #6 | Kuchar, George. I, an Actress. | |
12 | Class Exercise: Screening of Completed "Hartley" Edits | Individual edits of Assignment #6 Part One due | |
13 | Assignment #5: "The Fictive Self" work-in-progress screening | ||
14 | Production Time | ||
15 | Assignment #5: "The Fictive Self" | Assignment #5 due | |
16 | Individual Presentations: Cinematography | Ephemeral Films, Prelinger Collection. | |
17 | Technical Workshop: Voice-over Narration Individual Presentations: Sound | ||
18 | Individual Edits of Hartley Scene | Individual edits of Assignment #6 Part Two due | |
19 | Introduction to Assignment #7: Stories (Alternative Narratives) | Smith, Mike. Mike's Nightmare. | |
20 | Individual Presentations | ||
21 | Individual Meetings | ||
22 | Individual Meetings (cont.) | ||
23 | Technical Workshop: Final Cut Pro® Color Manipulation | ||
24 | Presentation of Final Project Treatment, Storyboards and Influences | Screening of Assignment #7 Work-in-Progress Material | |
25 | Technical Workshop: Creating DVD's Using DVD Studio Pro 2.0 Individual Consultations | Work-in-Progress Screening | |
26 | Assignment #7: Stories (Alternative Narratives) | Final Assignment Screening | Assignment #7 due |