
Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 3 hours / session

Course Description

This class offers a foundation in the visual art practice and its critical analysis for beginning architecture students. Emphasis is on long-range artistic development and its analogies to architectural thinking and practice. Students will learn to communicate ideas and experiences through various two-dimensional, and three-dimensional, and time-based media, including installations, performance and video. Lectures, visiting artist presentations, field trips, and readings supplement studio practice.

The course meets twice a week for three hours each session for a total of 12 units of credit. A minimum of six hours per week outside class work is expected. At least three studio projects must be completed for the course of study. You are required to prepare a written one-page statement for each project. Readings are assigned to provide a historical and theoretical framework for each studio project.


Grading will be based on:

Concept of individual projects20%
Execution of individual projects20%
Class participation20%
Personal investment in and commitment to your work20%
Demonstrated growth over the course of the semester20%


Completion of all projects is required for a passing grade, as is regular attendance. Unexcused absences will automatically lower a grade by 1/2 a letter grade.


You are responsible for obtaining most of your own materials. The bulk of the lab fee covers printing costs for handouts and certain basic materials which the program will buy in bulk, and which are available to everyone (for example, plaster and some molding compounds) as well as upkeep of shop tools. Lab fee: $30.