Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House

Terrain samples.

Studies in tectonics and folding. (Image courtesy Lilly Donohue.)


MIT Course Number


As Taught In

Fall 2003



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Course Description

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This class includes a complete array of studio assignments, as well as the resulting work of the studio, in the projects section.

Course Description

The theme that unites the Level II studios in the fall semester is a focus upon the 'making of architecture and built form' as a tectonic, technical and materially driven endeavor. It is a design investigation that is rooted in a larger culture of materiality and the associated phenomena, but a study of the language and production of built form as an integrated response to the conceptual proposition of the project. The studio will look to works of architecture where the material tectonic and its resultant technology or fabrication become instrumental to the realization of the ideas, in whatever form they may take. This becomes the 'art of technology' -- suggesting a level of innovation and creative manipulation as part of the design process to transform material into a composition of beauty and poetry as well as environmental control. In this regard the studio will look to the works and design processes of a number of architects including Shigeru Ban, Peter Zumthor, Herzog and deMeuron, Kazuyo Sejima, Richard Horden, Rick Joy and Glenn Murcutt among others.

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Andrew Scott. 4.131 Architectural Design, Level II: Material Essence: The Glass House. Fall 2003. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

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