The assignments that correspond to the three exercises are available on the Assignments section page. The links below lead to the sample student work produced for each exercise.
Exercise 1: Human Scale: Proportions and Rhythm
- Measurement charts
- Representations of the wire
- Freehand pencil tracings
- Pencil drawings
- Pen drawings
- Model photographs
Exercise 2: Human Scale: Transparency
- Thread drawings
- Model photographs
Exercise 3: Architecture Scale: Tectonic Movement
- Measurement charts
- Cube drawings
- Model photographs
A compilation of the student work for is also available for Exercises 1 and 2, and Exercise 3 .
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Exercise 1: Human Scale: Proportions and Rhythm
Courtesy of MIT Student, Johanna Greenspan-Johnston, Martin Hackl and Kristen Wu. Used with permission.
Exercise 2: Human Scale: Transparency
Courtesy of MIT Student, Maria Roldan. Used with permission.
Exercise 3: Architecture Scale: Tectonic Movement
Courtesy of Julie Ko, Heather Soukup Martin Hackl, Rae Oakley, Johanna Greenspan-Johnston and MIT Student. Used with permission.