
Weekly Response Memos

  • Length: 400–500 words.
  • Topic: Some weeks have directed questions for you to answer in your memo. If no topic questions are assigned, you will provide your own reflection on the readings. You may also weave in discussion points from class or your small group meeting.
  • There are no response memos during weeks 9 and 14.

Small Group Final Presentation

  • This final presentation (10 min.) with your small group will take place during the last week of class.
  • This is a creative and open-ended assignment based on what your group deems a topic of interest.
    Two of the small groups will present on their action projects with the UN or ECPAT (as explained in the Syllabus section.)

Term Paper

For the term paper, students are allowed to pick their own topic. Topics may come from a class discussion that you research in depth. You are given the option of being "prescriptive" (identifying a problem and offering solutions), or "descriptive" (describing an issue using class and outside textual research).

Outline and Bibliography

  • Outline is min. 10 pages, written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. You may structure your outline with bullet points and / or topical paragraphs (i.e. a rough draft).
  • Bibliography with 10 citations on your topic; at least half from class readings or recommended reading lists. Citations should follow the This resource may not render correctly in a screen reader.American Anthropological Association Style Guide (PDF).
  • We will spend time in class discussing your final paper topic choice.
  • Outline is due during Session 17.

Revised Draft

  • Essays must be 17–20 pages, written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • You must schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with the instructor to discuss your outline / draft. This meeting is mandatory and included in your final grade.
  • Paper is due during Session 22.

Student Examples

The following examples are included courtesy of MIT and Wellesley students and appear anonymously unless otherwise requested.

Weekly Response Memos

Weekly Memo 4 (PDF)

Weekly Memo 12 (PDF)

Term Papers

"Sexting, Abolitionism, and Technophobia." (PDF)

"Religious Education in Pakistan's Madrassas & the Facilitation of Child Trafficking: A Flaw in Western Perceptions." (PDF) (Courtesy of Zehra Naviwala.)