First Assignment
First draft due: Ses #9
Handed back: Ses #11
Final draft due: Ses #13
This assignment is intended to get you thinking more comprehensively about the analytic terms we are using in this course—thinking more like social scientists... Read more
Second Assignment
First draft due: Ses #15
Handed back: Ses #17
Final draft due: Ses #19
Choose two or three cases of violent ethnic conflict taking place in the world today... Read more
Third Assignment
Optional draft due: Ses #20
Handed back: Ses #22
Final draft due: Ses #24
Throughout most of the 20th century ethnic identity and nationalism were seen as diminishing in importance… Read more
For Writing Papers
- Some Rules of Thumb (PDF) (Courtesy of Joshua Cohen. Used with permission.)
- Helpful Points for Written Assignments (PDF)