2005 Project Files
A Hypothetical Indy race car manufacturer seeks bids for a new wing design for their 2005/2006 model year vehicles. The rear-mounted wings are intended to maximize downward force (negative lift), while at the same time minimizing incremental drag and weight added to the vehicle. The wings have to conform to regulations (constraints) and be designed and manufactured in an economical fashion. Teams comprised of two students (one aerodynamicist, one structural engineer) will conceive, design, implement and operate a prototype wing and compete for the bid during a 4-week period in IAP 2005.
2005 Final Project Presentation Videos
Student Presentations and Guest Lecture by Dr. Jaroslaw Sobieski, NASA (MP4 - 408MB)
Guest Lecture by Dr. David Chang, GM (MP4 - 120MB)
2005 Project Files
Project Description (PDF)
Deliverables Flowchart (PDF)
Deliverables Description (PDF)
2005 Associated Files
Cost Estimation Sheet (PDF)
Test and Verification Protocol (PDF)
Data Analysis Protocol (PDF)
Data Analysis Spreadsheet (XLS - 1.1 MB)
2004 Project Files
Various component designs and stages from student projects. (Courtesy of Alf Kohler, Namiko Yamamoto, Gregory Mark, Chris Voekler, Aaron Bell, and Conor Walsh.)
The project teams worked throughout the course to design and optimize their component, a bicycle frame. Although each team designed the same component, the performance criteria differed. A description of each product, along with these criteria, is included in the table below. A selection of deliverables are listed under Assignments and reflect the design process that students followed.
The detailed course syllabus (PDF) provides more information on the project. Updated design requirements (PDF) were also distributed to the teams near the end of the project.
1 - Jaclyn Cichon and Alison Gallagher-Rogers | Family Economy (PDF) | Cost | Mass | Performance | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT 1), (SLDPRT 2) Finite Element Analysis (FEA) (PDF) Design 2 FEA Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
2 - Elizabeth Jordan and (Jenny) Xiaojie Hu | Family Deluxe (PDF) | Mass | Cost | Performance | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT) FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) (Courtesy of Elizabeth Jordan and Xiaojie Hu.) Design 2 FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
3 - JoHanna Przybylowski and Laura Condon | Crossover (PDF) | Mass | Cost | Performance | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT 1), (SLDPRT 2) FEA (PDF) Design 2 FEA (PDF 1), (PDF 2) Picture (JPG 1), (JPG 2) Final Presentation (PDF) |
4 - Greg Mark and Chris Voekler | City (PDF) | Cost | Mass | Performance | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT) FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) (Courtesy of Gregory Mark and Chris Voekler.) Design 2 FEA Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
5 - Aaron Bell and Conor Walsh | Racing (PDF) | Mass | Performance | Cost | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT) FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) (Courtesy of Aaron Bell and Conor Walsh.) Design 2 FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
6 - Joshua Ouellette and David Newell | Mountain (PDF) | Performance | Mass | Cost | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT 1), (SLDPRT 2), (SLDPRT 3) FEA (PDF) Design 2 FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
7 - Richard-Duane Chambers and John Head | BMX (PDF) | Performance | Mass | Cost | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT 1), (SLDPRT 2) FEA (PDF) Design 2 FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
8 - Chris Graff and Georgene Hilb | Acrobatic (PDF) | Performance | Mass | Cost | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT) FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) (Courtesy of Christopher Graff and Georgene Hilb.) Design 2 FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |
9 - Namiko Yamamoto and Alf Kohler | Motor Bike (PDF) | Performance | Cost | Mass | Design 1 Hand Sketch (JPG) Solidworks Part (SLDPRT 1), (SLDPRT 2), (SLDPRT 3), (SLDPRT 4), (SLDPRT 5) FEA (PDF) Picture (JPG) (Courtesy of Alf Kohler and Namiko Yamamoto.) Design 2 FEA Picture (JPG) Final Presentation (PDF) |