[ESW] = Leveson, Nancy G. Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety. MIT Press, 2012. ISBN: 9780262016629. This book is available for purchase or as a free download from the MIT Press website. [Preview with Google Books]
[Safeware] = ———. Safeware: System Safety and Computers 1st Edition. Addison-Wesley Professional, 1995. ISBN: 9780201119725.
1 | Introduction, Uberlingen; Class Description | [ESW] Chapter 1. [Safeware] Chapter 1. |
2 | Introduction to Accident Causality, Bhopal, Hindsight Bias | [Safeware] pp. 129–35 and 145–55. |
3 | Discuss Citichem Causes, Hindsight Bias | [Safeware] pp. 39–48 and 53–88. [ESW] pp. 7–24, 36–45, 47–50, and 51–56. |
4 | System-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP), Systems Theory, Accident Models | [ESW] Chapter 3. |
5 | More on STAMP, Systems Theory, Accident Models | [ESW] pp. 75–91 and 98–100. |
6 | CAST and Accident Analysis | [ESW] Chapters 5 and 11. |
7 | More on CAST | n/a |
8 | Traditional Hazard Analysis (HA) | [Safeware] pp. 305–11, 313–26, 327–32, and 341–4. |
9 | Traditional Hazard Analysis (HA) (cont.) | n/a |
10 | Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) Intro, Basic Components | [ESW] Chapter 6, pp. 181–95. |
11 | STPA | [ESW] pp. 211–30. |
12 | STPA (cont.) | n/a |
13 | STPA and Review Projects | n/a |
14 | Design for Safety | [Safeware] Chapter 16: Follensbee. |
15 | Design for Safety (cont.) | [ESW] pp. 251–73. |
16 | Human Factors | Automation Complacency Paper |
17 | Human Factors (cont.) | [ESW] pp. 273–306. |
18 | Cyber Security | Young and Leveson paper |
19 | Discuss Take Home Exam | n/a |
20 | Operations, Regulation | [ESW] Chapter 12. |
21 | Operations, Regulation (cont.) | n/a |
22 | Invited Speaker | n/a |
23 | Management | [ESW] Chapter 13. |
24 | SUBSAFE | n/a |
25 | Present Projects | [ESW] Chapter 14. |
26 | Present Projects (cont.) | n/a |