Converting Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions
Percents and fractions
Knowing how to write percents as fractions and vice versa can help you in your everyday life. For example, let's say you earned a grade of 80% on a test. You can convert 80% into a fraction to find out how many of your answers were correct. When your teacher grades the test, she may do the opposite. If a student got 8 out of 10 questions right, the teacher can convert 8/10 to a percent to give the student a grade.
Converting a percent into a fraction
When you're converting a percent into a fraction, it helps to remember that percents are always out of 100. You can practice with percents in our Introduction to Percents lesson.
Click through the slideshow to learn how to convert a percent into a fraction.
Now it's your turn! Write these percentages as fractions. Make sure to reduce each fraction to its simplest form.
Converting a fraction into a percent
Converting a fraction uses two of the skills you just learned: writing a fraction as a decimal, and writing a decimal as a percent. Let's see how we can use these skills to convert a fraction into a percent.
Click through the slideshow to learn how to convert a fraction into a percent.
Now you try it. Convert these fractions into percents.