Converting Percentages, Decimals, and Fractions
Converting fractions, decimals, and percents
When we talk, we often use different words to express the same thing. For example, we could describe the same car as tiny or little or small. All of these words mean the car is not big. Fractions, decimals, and percents are like the words tiny, little, and small. They're all just different ways of expressing parts of a whole.
In this image, each measuring cup has the same amount of juice in it. But we've expressed this amount in three ways: as a fraction, as a percent, and as a decimal. Since they're expressing the same amount, we know that 1/2, 50%, and 0.5 are equal to each other. Any time we see 1/2, we'll know it can also mean 50% or 0.5.
Sometimes it's useful to convert one kind of number into another. For example, it's much easier to add 1/4 and 0.5 if you turn 0.5 into a fraction. Learning how to convert fractions, decimals, and percents will also help you as you learn more advanced math.
Fractions and decimals
Every fraction can also be written as a decimal, and vice versa. You may not do this very often, but converting decimals and fractions can help you in math. For example, it's easier to subtract 1/6 from 0.52 if you turn 1/6 into a decimal first.
Converting a fraction into a decimal
Let's convert a fraction into a decimal. We'll be using a math skill you've already learned: long division. To refresh your memory on this skill, you can review our Long Division lesson.
Click through the slideshow to learn how to convert a fraction into a decimal.
Now it's your turn. Convert each of these fractions into a decimal.
Converting a decimal into a fraction
Now we'll do it in reverse. Let's convert a decimal into a fraction.
Click through the slideshow to see how to convert a decimal into a fraction.
Reducing a fraction may seem unnecessary when you're converting a decimal. But it's important if you're going to use the fraction in a math problem. If you're adding two fractions, you may even need to reduce or change both fractions so they have a common denominator.
Now you try it. Convert these decimals into fractions. Be sure to reduce each fraction to its simplest form!