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JavaScript MVC

JavaScript and Websites

A brief history

Web 1.0: JS for Almost Nothing

Web 2.0: JS for AJAX

Web Today: JS for Everything

Big JS Web Apps

What does the JS do?

  • Fetches data (via AJAX)
  • Processes and calculates data
  • Creates DOM (like w/jQuery)
  • Reacts to events

...that's a lot of JS.

Coursera: 28,848 lines of JS code..

Let's make it manageable

  • Split into multiple files.
  • Modularize the code into re-usable chunks.
  • Use object-oriented concepts to organize code.
  • Separate the code into "model" vs. "view"

Model vs. View



Fetch data

Process data



Create DOM

Handle DOM Events

Example: BookShelf App

Try It!

  Model:  View:

The Book Model

Simple version: stores properties passed in

var BookModel = function(bookJSON) {
  this.title     = bookJSON.title;    =;
  this.asin      = bookJSON.asin;
  this.thumbnail = bookJSON.thumbnail;
  this.rating    = bookJSON.rating;    =;
var book = new BookModel({
    title: "1984",
    author: "George Orwell",
    asin: "0451524934",
    thumbnail: "",
    rating: 4

The Book Model

Better: Sets defaults for properties

var BookModel = function(bookJSON) {
  this.title     = bookJSON.title || 'Untitled';    = || 'Unknown author';
  this.asin      = bookJSON.asin;
  this.thumbnail = bookJSON.thumbnail;
  this.rating    = bookJSON.rating;    = || '';
var book = new BookModel({
    asin: "0451524934",
    thumbnail: "",
    rating: 4

The Book Model

Even better: computes properties

var BookModel = function(bookJSON) {
  this.title     = bookJSON.title || 'Untitled';    = || 'Unknown author';
  this.asin      = bookJSON.asin;
  this.thumbnail = bookJSON.thumbnail;
  this.rating    = bookJSON.rating;    = || '';
  this.url       = ''
      + this.asin + '?tag=amazonsimilar-20';
var book = new BookModel({
    title: "1984",
    author: "George Orwell",
    asin: "0451524934",
    thumbnail: "",
    rating: 4

The BookCollection

Creates an array of Models and provides sorts.

var BookCollection = function(booksJSON) {
  this.items = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < booksJSON.length; i++) {
    this.items.push(new BookModel(booksJSON[i]));

BookCollection.prototype.sort = function() {
  this.items.sort(function(bookA, bookB){
    return (bookA.rating - bookB.rating);
var booksJSON = [{
    title: "1984",
    author: "George Orwell",
    asin: "0451524934",
    thumbnail: "",
    rating: 4

var books = new BookCollection(booksJSON);

Exercise Time!

A BookShelf View

var BookShelfView = function(books) {
  var shelfDiv = $('<div>');
  for (var i = 0; i < books.items.length; i++) {
    var book = books.items[i];
    // Create a div with a linked image inside it, 
    // and add that to the shelf div
    var bookDiv = $('<div class="book">');
    var bookLink = $('<a>');
    bookLink.attr('href', book.url);
    var bookCover = $('<img>');
    bookCover.attr('src', book.thumbnail);


    // On mouseover, pop up the review
    bookDiv.bind('mouseover', function(e) {
        var reviewDiv = $('<div class="book-review">');
        reviewDiv.html('<strong>' + book.rating + ' stars: </strong>' + ( || ' No review.'));
        reviewDiv.css({'position': 'absolute', 'top':  e.pageY, 'left': e.pageX});
    bookDiv.bind('mouseout', function() {
  return shelfDiv;

Smaller/Nested Views

var BookView = function(book) {
  var bookDiv = $('<div class="book">');
  var bookLink = $('<a>');
  bookLink.attr('href', book.url);
  var bookCover = $('<img>');
  bookCover.attr('src', book.thumbnail);

  // Attach event listeners
  return bookDiv;

var BookShelfView = function(books) {
  var shelfDiv = $('<div>');
  for (var i = 0; i < books.items.length; i++) {
    var book = books.items[i];
    shelfDiv.append(new BookView(book));
  return shelfDiv;

BookShelf App:
MVC Version

Try it!

Exercise Time!

MV* Frameworks

MV* Frameworks

Journey through the JS MVC Jungle, TodoMVC