Spin-off of Project Build-a-House
Think about your house, or your school building, or your work office. There's a lot of repeating elements - especially on the outside. In this project, you'll use loops to add repeating elements to this house:
1. Draw a window, then use a for loop to draw a row of windows (or, use nested for loops to make multiple rows of windows).
You may find it easier to complete this step, if you comment out the provided while loop and use it as a guide to create your for loop.
2. Draw a row of grass in front. And maybe some bushes or flowers?
3. The house is a plain color now. Use loops to make it a brick house or a house with "siding" or a log cabin. Check the images library for ways to make that more realistic.
4. Use a conditional inside a for loop to make more interesting grass or walls, so that you use a different color every other execution of the loop (hint: use the % operator).
Keep going! What else could you draw with loops?