1. What are some
representatives of the phylum
2. In which habitats do
molluscs live?
3. What is the morphological
feature of mollusc safter
which thephylum is named?
4. What are the biological
troubles that molluscs face
due to their soft body?
5. Are mollusc metameric
beings? Exclusively analyzing
this feature could it be said
that molluscs are
evolutionarily proximal to
nematodes or to annelids?
6. Into which classes are
mollusc divided? What are
some representing beings of
each class?
7. How is the body of
gastropods divided?
8. What is the type of
digestive system in molluscs?
9. What is the radula? What is
the function of this organ?
10. How is the respiratory
system in aquatic molluscs
characterized? What adaptive
respiratory structure do
terrestrial molluscs present?
11. Which type of circulatory
system do molluscs have?
How can it be compared to the
respiratory system of
12. How is the large size of
some cephalopods related to
the type of circulatory system
they present?
13. How is the excretory
system of molluscs
14. What type of exoskeleton
do some molluscs present?
15. Do octopus and squids
have exoskeleton?
16. Which other phylum of the
animal kingdom present
species with exoskeleton?
17. What is the function of the
feet in molluscs? How is the
mollusc foot related to the
name given to the classes of
the phylum?
18. How is the nervous system
of molluscs organized?
19. What are examples of the
ecological and economic
importance of molluscs?
20. How are natural and
artificial pearls created?
21. Mollusc identity card. How
are molluscs characterized
according to examples of
representing beings, basic
morphology, type of
symmetry, germ layers and
coelom, digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory
system, excretory system,
nervous system and types of