1. What are some examples of
2. Which are the
morphological features that
differentiate the beings of the
phylum Annelida from
nematodes and
3. What is the main
evolutionary novelty
presented by annelids?
4. What is the morphological
characteristic that
evolutionarily approximates
the beings of the phylum
Annelida to arthropods?
5. How does digestionin
beings of the phylum Annelida
work and which type of
digestive system do they
6. Which are the
characteristics and organs of
the digestive system of
earthworms related to the
type of diet of these animals?
7. The vascular lesions caused
by leeches upon the blood
vessels of their host cause
blood naturally to coagulate.
How does the leech solve this
problem since it could be
expected that the ingested
blood would coagulate inside
its body?
8. How is the respiratory
system of beings of the
phylum Annelida
9. What is meant when it is
said that beings of the phylum
Annelida are vascular beings?
From which other phyla of the
animal kingdom does this
feature differentiate them?
10. How are the circulatory
systems of animals classified?
11. What is the type of
circulatory system present in
12. Is there a respiratory
pigment in the annelid blood?
13. How can the presence,
localization and function of
muscular tissue in beings of
the phylum Annelida be
14. How can the excretory
system of annelids be
15. How is the nervous system
characterized in beings of the
phylum Annelida? How can
one compare cephalization in
annelids to cephalization in
nematodes and
16. What is the clitellum of
eartht worms and where it is
17. Concerning the occurrence
of separated sexes how are
the beings of the phylum
Annelida classified?
18. Is the embryonic
development in earthworms
director indirect?
19. What is the name of the
larval stage of polychaetes?
20. What is the ecological role
of earthworms?
21. Into which classes is the
phylum Annelida divided?
22. Annelid Identity card. How
are they characterized
according to examples of
representing beings, basic
morphology, type of
symmetry, germ layers and
coelom, digestive system,
respiratory system, circulatory
system,excretory system,
nervous system and types of