cell structure
1. What is cell theory?
2. Are there living beings
without cells?
3. In 1665 Robert Hooke, an
English scientist, published his
book Micrographia, in which
he described that pieces of
cork viewed under the
microscope presented small
cavities similar to pores which
were filled with air. Based on
later knowledge, of what were
the walls of those cavities
constituted? What is the
historical importance of that
4. What are the two big
groups into which cells are
5. Do bacteria cells have a
6. Are there any bacteria
made of more than one cell?
7. What is the plasma
membrane of the cell? What
are its main functions?
8. What are the chemical
substances that compose the
plasma membrane?
9. What is the difference
between plasma membrane
and cell wall?
10.What arethe main
respectiveconstituentsof cell
wallsin bacteria, protists,
fungi and plants?
11. Do membranes form only
the outer wrapping of cells?
12. Which type of cell came
first in evolution - the
eukaryotic cell or the
prokaryotic cell?
13. Concerning the presence
of the nucleus what is the
difference between animal
and bacterial cells?
14. What are the three main
parts of a eukaryotic cell?
15. What are the main
structures within the cell
16. What are the substances
that constitute the chromatin?
What is the difference
between chromatin and
17. What is the fluid that fills
the nucleus called?
18. Of what substances is the
nucleolus made? Is there a
membrane around the
19. What is the name of the
membrane that delimits the
nucleus? To which component
of the cell structure is that
membrane contiguous?
20. What are the main
cytoplasmic structures
presentin animal cells?
21. What are cytoplasmic
22. Wherein the cell can
ribosomes be found? What is
the main biological function of
23. What is the difference
betweens mooth and rough
endoplasmic reticulum?
24. A netlike membranous
complex of superposed flat
saccules with vesicles
detaching from the
extremities seen in electronic
microscopy. What is the
observed structure? What is
its biological function?
25. On which organelle of the
cell structure does
intracellular digestion
depend? What is the chemical
content of those organelles?
26. Why are lysosomes known
as “the cleaners” of the cell
27. Which are the cell
organelles that participate in
cell division and in the
formation of cillia and flagella
of some eukaryotic cells?
28. What are the
morphological, chemical and
functional similarities and
differences between
lysosomes and peroxisomes?
29. What are mitochondria?
What is the basic morphology
of these organelles and in
which cells can they befound?
30. Why can mitochondria be
considered the power plants
of the aerobic cells?
31. What is the endosymbiotic
hypothesis about the origin of
mitochondria? What are the
molecular facts that support
the hypothesis? To which
other cellular organelles can
the hypothesis also be
32. What are the main
components of the
33. What are the functions of
the cytoskeleton?
34. What are chloroplasts?
What are the main function of
35. What is the molecule
responsible for the absorption
of photic energy for
photosynthesis? Where is that
molecule located in
photosynthetic cells?
36. What are the colours (of the
electromagnetic spectrum)
absorbed by plants? What
would happen to
photosynthes is if the green
light waves that reach a
vegetable were blocked?
37. What is the path followed
by the energy absorbed by
plants to be used in
38. Of what substance is the
plant cell wall made? Of which
monomer is it made?
39. What is the function of the
plant cell wall?
40. What are plant cell
vacuoles? What are their
functions? What is the
covering membrane ofthe
vacuoles called?