1. What are nucleic acids?
What is the historic origin of
this name?
2. Of what units are nucleic
acids constituted? What are
the chemical entities that
compose that unit?
3. What are pentoses? To
what organic group do
pentoses be long? Are
nucleotides formed of only
one type of pentose?
4. Into which two groups can
the nitrogen-containing bases
that form DNA and RNA be
classified? What is the
criterion used in that
5. Concerning the nitrogen containing bases that
participate in nucleotides,
what is the difference
between DNA and RNA?
6. Which are the nucleotides
“portions” that bind in the
formation of nucleic acids?
What is meant by the 5 ’and 3’
extremities of nucleic acids?
7. Bacteria are prokaryotic
cells, i.e., they do not have a
membrane-delimited nucleus.
Eukaryotes have cells with a
delimited nucleus. Wherein
these types of cell scan DNA
be found?
8. Who were James Watson,
Francis Crick and Maurice
9. According to the Watson Crick model how many
polynucleotide chains does a
DNA molecule have?
10. What is the rule for the
pairing of nitrogen-containing
bases in the DNA molecule?
And in the RNA? Is this last
question appropriate?
11. What is the numeric
relation between pyrimidine
and purine bases in the DNA
molecule? Is that relation
valid in RNA molecules?
12. Which type of chemical
bond maintains the pairing of
each chain in the DNA
13. What is the completing
sequence of nitrogen containing bases for a
AGCCGTTAAC fragment of a
DNA chain?
14. What is the name of the
DNA duplication process?
What is the main enzyme that
participates in it?
15. Why is it not correct to
assert that DNA self replicates?
16. How do the two
complementary nucleotide
chains of the DNA facilitate
the replication process of the
17. What are the chemical
bonds of the DNA molecule
that are broken for the
replication process to occur?
18. As a result of DNA
replication two DNA molecules
come into existence. Why isit
not correct to assert that two
“new” DNA molecules are
created? What is the name
given to the process
concerning that fact?
19. Does DNA replication
occur in cell division?
20. One characteristic of the
DNA moleculeis its replication
capability. What are the
consequences of failures
during DNA replication?
21. Mistakes may happen
during every copying process.
The same is true for DNA
replication. Are there
correction systems in cells
that try to fix those mistakes?
Under which situationare the
mistakes carried only by the
individual owner of the cell
within which the mistake has
occurred and in which
situation are they transmitted
to other individuals?
22. Where can RNA be found
within cells?
23. Does RNA molecule have
two polynucleotide chains like
24. What is the production of
RNA called and what is the
enzyme that catalyzes the
25. What are similarities and
differences between the
transcription process and the
replication processes?
26. What are the three main
types of RNA? What is meant
by heterogeneous RNA?
27. Concerning their biological
function what is the difference
between DNA and RNA?
28. Is there any situation in
which DNA is made based on a
RNA template? What is the
enzyme involved?
29. Do the phosphate and the
pentose groups give
homogeneity or heterogeneity
to the nucleicacid chains?
What about the nitrogen containing groups? Supported
by that, which of those groups
is expected to directly
participate in the highly
diverse and heterogeneous
genetic coding, i.e., which of
those groups is the basis of
the information for protein