1. What is vision? Why is
vision important for life on
2. How does photosensitivity
in cnidarians, annelids and
worms differ from insects,
cephalopods and vertebrates?
3. What are the structures
that compose the human
vision apparatus?
4. What are the main
structures of the human eye?
5. What is the function of the
iris and of the pupil?
6. Which is the part of the
human visual system where
the receptors that sense light,
i.e., the photoreceptor cells,
are located? How do those
cells work?
7. Since the visual images are
projected in an inverted
manner on the retina why
don't we see things upside
8. What type of structure is
the crystalline lens? What is
its function?
9. What is visual
10. What are the near point
and the far point of the vision?
11. How can the visual
deficiencies known as myopia
and hypermetropia be
optically explained?
12. What are presbyopia and