1. What are the physiological
systems known as integrative
systems? Why is this
designation justified?
2. Which are the structures
that are part of the nervous
3. Which are the main cells of
the nervous system?
4. What are the functional
differences between neurons
and glial cells?
5. What are the three main
parts into which a neuron can
be divided? What are their
respective functions?
6. What is the name of the
terminal portion of the axon?
7. What are synapses?
8. What is an example of a
situation in which the neuron
cell body is located in a part of
the body and its axonal
terminal portion is in another
distant part of the body? Why
does this happen?
9. According to the function of
the transmitted neural
impulse which are the types of
neurons? How different are
the concepts of afference and
efference of the neural
impulse transmission?
10. What are nerves?
11. What are ganglia?
12. What is meant by the
peripheral nervous system
13. What is the function of the
myelin sheath? Do all axons
present a myelin sheath?
14. What are the cells that
produce the myelin sheath? Of
which substance is the myelin
sheath formed?
15. What are some diseases
characterized by progressive
loss of the axonal myelin
16. What are meninges and
cerebrospinal fluid?
17. What is the difference
between brain and cerebrum?
What are the main parts of
these structures?
18. How is the cerebrum
anatomically divided?
19. Which is the brain region
responsible for the
coordination and equilibrium
of the body?
20. Why is the cerebellum
more developed in mammals
that jump or fly?
21. Which is the brain region
responsible for the regulation
of breathing and blood
22. Which is the brain region
that receives conscious
sensory information? Which is
the brain region that triggers
the voluntary motor activity?
23. What is the spinal cord? Of
which elements is the spinal
cord constituted?
24. Which are the brain
regions associated with
25. How is it structurally
explained that the motor
activityof the left side of the
body is controlled by the right
cerebral hemisphere and the
motor activity of the right side
of the body is controlled by
the left cerebral hemisphere?
26. What is meant by the arch
27. Which are the types of
neurons that participate in the
spinal arch reflex? Where are
their cell bodies situated?
28. What are the respective
constituents of the gray
matter and of the white
matter of the spinal cord?
29. Is the neural impulse
generated by the stimulus
that triggers the arch reflex
restricted with in the neurons
of this circuit?
30. How is it explained that a
person with the spinal cord
sectioned at the cervical level
is still able to perform the
patellar reflex?
31. How does poliomyelitis
affect the neural transmission
in the spinal cord?
32. Concerning volition of the
individual how can the
reactions of the nervous
system be classified?
33. What are the functional
divisions of the nervous
34. What are the two divisions
of the autonomic nervous
35.What is the antagonism
betweenthe sympathetic and
the parasympatheticneural
36. Using examples of
invertebrate nervous systems
how can the process of
evolutionary cephalization be
37. What are some main
differences of the vertebrate
nervous systems comparing to
38. What are the protective
structures of the central
nervous system present in
39. What is the nature of the
stimulus received and
transmitted by the neurons?
40. What are the two main
ions that participate in the
electrical impulse
transmission in neurons?
41. Which is the normal sign
of the electric charge between
the two sides of the neuron
plasma membrane? What is
the potential difference
(voltage) generated between
these two sides? What is that
voltage called?
42. How do the sodium and
potassium ions maintain the
resting potential of the
43.How is the depolarization
of theneuronal plasma
membranegenerated? How
does the cellreturn to its
original rest?
44. What is the excitation
threshold of a neuron? How
does this threshold relate to
the “all-or-nothing” rule of the
neural transmission?
45. How does the
depolarization of the neuronal
membrane start?
46. How different are the
concepts of action potential,
resting potential and
excitation threshold
concerning neurons?
47. In chemical terms how is
the neuronal repolarization
48. What is the mechanism by
which the neural impulse is
transmitted along the axon?
49. What is the structure
through which the neural
impulse is transmitted from
one cell to another? What are
its parts?
50. How does synaptic
transmission between neurons
take place?
51. What are some important
52.Since neurotransmitters
arenot consumed in the
synapticprocess, whatarethe
mechanisms to reducetheir
concentrationsin thesynaptic
cleft afterthey have been
53. Fluoxetineis an
antidepressant drug that
presents an action mechanism
related to the synaptic
transmission. What is that
54. What is the neuromuscular
55. How does the nervous
system get information about
the external environment, the
organs and the tissues?
56. What are sensory
57. According to the stimuli
they collect how are the
sensory receptors classified?