Endocrine System
1. What is the difference
between the endocrine gland
and the exocrine gland?
2. What is the constitution of
the endocrine system?
3. What is the histological
nature of the glands? How are
they formed?
4. Why is the endocrine
system considered one of the
integrative systems of the
body? What is the other
physiological system that also
has this function?
5. What are hormones?
6. What are target organs of
the hormones?
7. How does the circulatory
system participate in the
functioning of the endocrine
8. Are hormones only
9. What are the main
endocrine glands of the
human body?
10. What is the pineal gland?
11. What is the osseous cavity
where the pituitary gland is
12. What are the main
divisions of the hypophysis?
What are their functions?
13. What is the relation
between the hypothalamus
and the hypophysis?
14. What are the hormones
secreted by the
adenohypophysis? What are
their respective functions?
15. What is the relation
between the thyroid and the
16. What are some diseases
caused by abnormal GH
secretion by the hypophysis?
17. What are the target
tissues and target organs of
each adenohypophyseal
18. What are the hormones
secreted by the
neurohypophysis? What are
their respective functions?
19. What is the difference
between diabetes mellitus and
diabetes insipidus? What are
the characteristic signs of
diabetes insipidus?
20. Why does the urinary
volume increase when
alcoholic beverages are
21. Which are the target
organs and target tissues of
the neurohypophysis?
22. Where in the body is the
thyroid gland located?
23. What are the hormones
secreted by the thyroid gland?
What are their functions?
24. Why is the dietary
obtainment of iodine so
important for thyroid
25. What is a goiter? What is
endemic goiter? How is this
problem socially solved?
26. What happens to theTSH
(thyroid-stimulating hormone)
blood level in hypothyroidism?
Why is there enlargement of
the thyroidin the endemic
goiter disease?
27. What are some signs and
symptoms found in patients
with hyperthyroidism?
28. What are some signs and
symptoms found in patients
with hypothyroidism?
29. What is the physiological
cause of the syndrome known
as cretinism?
30. What are the
parathyroids? Where are they
located and what are the
hormones secreted by these
31. What is the relation
between secretion of
parathormone and the calcium
blood level?
32. What is a mixed gland?
Why is the pancreas
considered a mixed gland?
33. What are the pancreatic
tissues involvedr espectively
in the exocrine and endocrine
secretions? What are their
respective hormones and
34. What is the importance of
the glucose blood level for
human health?
35. What are the functions of
insulin and glucagon for the
blood glucose control?
36. What are the target
organs upon which insulin and
glucagon act?
37. What are the effects of
somatostatin for the
pancreatic hormonal
38. What is diabetes mellitus?
39. What are the three main
signs of diabetes?
40. Why do diabetic patients
often undergo dietary sugar
restriction? What are the main
complications of diabetes
41. What is the difference
between type I diabetes
mellitus and type II diabetes
42. In ancient Greece the
father of Medicine,
Hypocrates, described a
method of diagnosing diabetes
mellitus by tasting the
patient's urine. What is the
physiological explanation for
this archaic method?
43. What are the main
treatments of diabetes
44. How can bacteria produce
human insulin on an industrial
scale? What are the other
forms of insulin made
available by the
pharmaceutical industry?
45. Where are the adrenal
glandslocated? How many are
they and what are their
46. What are the hormones
secreted by the adrenal
medulla? What are their
respective functions?
47. What are the hormones
secreted by the adrenal
cortex? What are their
respective functions?
48. Why are glucorticoids
used in transplant patients?
49. What are the hormones
produced by the testicles and
the ovaries?
50. What is the endocrine
function of the placenta?