Extraembryonic Membranes
1. What are extra embryonic
2. What are the
extraembry onic membranes
present in vertebrates?
3. Are the extra embryonic
membranes the same in all
4. How is the yolk sac formed?
What is the function of the
yolk sac?
5. Which is the
extra embryonic membrane
whose function is to store
nitrogen wastes of the
embryo? Is this function
present in placental
mammalian embryos?
6. Why can the all antois be
considered an adaptation to
terrestrial life?
7. What is the difference
between amnion and chorion?
8. Why can the amnion also be
considered an adaptation to
terrestrial life?
9. What is the chorioallantois
membrane present in the
embryonic development of
reptiles and birds? How does
this membrane participate in
the energetic metabolism of
the embryo?
10. In which type of animals
does the placenta exist? What
is its main function?
11. What are the main
substances transferred from
the mother to the fetus
through the placenta? And
from the fetus to the mother?
12. Is there a exchange of
cells between the mother and
the fetus through the
13. What are the endocrine
functions of the placenta?
14. What is the function of the
umbilical cord?