1. What is a population?
2. What is population density?
3. What is population growth
4. How different are the
concepts of migration,
emigration and immigration?
5. What are the main factors
that affect the growth of a
6. What are some examples of
migratory animals?
7. What is biotic potential?
8. What is the typical shape of
a population growth curve?
How can the biotic potential
be represented in the same
way graphically?
9. What is environmental
10. What are the main limiting
factors for the growth of a
11. How do the availability of
water and light and the
climate affect the growth of a
12. How do populations of
predators and prey vary in
13. What is the relationship
between environmental
resistance and the population
growth according to the biotic
potential curve and the real
population growth curve?
14. How different is the
growth according to the biotic
potential of a viral population
from the growth according to
the biotic potential of a
bacterial population?
15. What are age pyramids?
16. What are the analyses
provided by the study of
human age pyramids?
17. What are the main
characteristics of theage
pyramids of developed
18. What is the typical
conformation of the age
pyramids of under-developed