11. What are cerebro vascular

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Cerebrovascular accident (CVA), also
as stroke, is the name
given to infarction ( and cellular
death by ) of areas of the
dueto vascular obstruction or
. CVAs are divided into
and hemorrhagic. In the
CVA blocking of arteries
carry blood to the occurs; its
cause is atherosclerosis
(atheroma formation) of vessels.
In the hemorrhagic there is rupture
of or more blood vesselsof
brain with blood leakage,
intracranial pressure and thus
of blood flow in areas
of the brain. severity of the stroke
on the function performed
the affected area of brain, for
example, motor , visual
function, vegetative function, ., and
on the size the involved area.

The risk factors for
cerebrovascular are
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia,
tobacco and old age.