1. How is HIV transmitted?
What is the disease caused by
this virus?
2. Which type of virus is the
HIV? What is the enzyme
reverse transcriptase present
in HIV?
3. What are CD4 lymphocytes?
What is the relationship
between these cells and HIV?
How does HIV replicate?
4. Why is AIDS difficult to
prevent by vaccination?
5. What is the cause of the
immunodeficiency presented
by AIDS patients?
6. What is the difference
between carriers of HIV and
AIDS patients?
7. How does the CD4 counting
act to monitor the HIV
infection? What is another
laboratory method to follow
up the disease?
8. What are the main
opportunistic diseases that
can affect AIDS patients?
9. How long is the incubation
period of the HIV? What is
meant by acute AIDS?
10. What are the three phases
into which the HIV infectionis
often divided?
11. How do antibody-based
tests detect how HIV infection
12. What is the window phase
of an infection? How is this
concept important for the test
of HIV infection in blood
13. What are some strategies
of the anti-retroviral drugs
used in the AIDS treatment?
14. Why is the AIDS treatment
often done with a drug
15. What are some
prophylactic measures against
HIV infection?