1. Why do plants need to
exchange gases with the
2. What are the main gas
exchange organs of the
plants? How is the process
3. What is plant transpiration?
What are the two main types
of plant transpiration process?
Which of them is more
significant in volume?
4. What are stomata? How do
these structures participate in
the plant transpiration?
5. What are the elements that
constitute the stomata?
6. How do plants control the
opening and the closing of the
7. Do plants placed under an
environment drier than the
habitat where they are used to
living have an increase or a
reduction in the time during
which their stomata remain
8. Why do some plants
adapted to a dry environment
open their stomata only at
9. How has the position of the
stomata changed in some
plants to prevent excessive
water loss by transpiration?
10. Is transpiration the only
way through which leaves lose
11. When air humidity is high
does the plant transpiration
increase or lower?
12. How do the water
absorption volume and the
water transpiration volume
comparatively vary in plants
in a day? What is the final
comparative balance of these
13. How do plants solve the
problem of transporting
substances throughout their
14. Is transportation of gases
in tracheophytes made
through the vascular tissues?
15. Are the xylem and the
phloem made of living cells?
16. What is the importance of
lignin for the xylem
17. What is root pressure?
18. What is capillarity? How is
this phenomen on chemically
explained? What is the
relevance of capillarity for
water transport in plants?
19. What are the forces that
make water to flow within the
xylem from the roots to the
20. What is tree girdling?
What happens to a plant when
that girdle is removed from
the stem (below the
21. What are plant hormones?
22. What are the main natural
plant hormones and what are
their respective effects?
23. What is the plant
coleoptile? Why does the
removal of the coleoptile
extremity disallow plant
24. What is indolacetic acid
25. What are synthetic auxins
and what are their uses?
26. Where in plants is a large
amount of IAA found?
27. How do phytohormones
help the development of
parthenocarpic fruits?
28. How do auxins act helping
the lateral (secondary)
growth of the stem?
29. What happens when the
auxin concentration in some
structures of the plant is over
the action range of the
30. What is the phenomenon
of apical dominance in plants?
How can it be artificially
31. What are gibberellins?
Where are they produced?
32. What are cytokinins?
Where are they made?
33. What is the plant hormone
remarkable for stimulating
flowering and fruit ripening?
What are the uses and
practical inconveniences of
that hormone?
34. Are the development and
growth of plants only
influenced by plant hormones?
35. What are plant tropisms?
36.To which direction does
the growth of one side of a
stem, branch or root induce
the structure to curve?
37. What is phototropism?
38. What are the types of
plant geotropisms? Why do
the stem and the root present
opposite geotropisms?
39. What is thigmotropism?
40. What is photoperiod?
41. What is photoperiodism?
42. What are the plantorgans
responsible for the perception
of light variation? What is the
pigment responsible for this
43. How does the
photoperiodism affect the
flowering of some plants?
44. What is the critical
photoperiod? How can the
critical photoperiod relate to
flowering be experimentally
45. How do plants classify
according to their
46. Why do most plants
present opposite phyllotaxis?