2 7 2 0 new VisualizingDerivativesProblem({ INTERVAL_WIDTH: INTERVAL_WIDTH, nIntervals: NUM_INTERVALS, nProblemIntervals: NUM_INTERVALS_PROBLEM, offset: OFFSET, noSolution: NO_SOLUTION, moveDerivative: MOVE_DERIVATIVE, fnColor: PURPLE, derivColor: GREEN }) PROBLEM.problemRanges

A function f(x) is shown in purple. The sliding green window may contain a section of its derivative f'(x).

Where does the function in the sliding window correspond to f'(x)?

A function f(x) is shown in green. The sliding purple window may contain a section of an antiderivative of the function, F(x).

Where does the function in the sliding window correspond to F(x)?

slidingWindow = PROBLEM.render();
Drag the sliding window to the correct region or indicate there is no solution.
if (NO_SOLUTION && $(".sol.no-solution :checkbox").prop("checked") ) { return true; } else if (_.isEqual(guess, slidingWindow.startRange)) { return ""; } return _.any(PROBLEM_RANGES, function(problemRange) { return _.isEqual(guess, problemRange); });
slidingWindow.moveTo(guess[0], 0);

true false
true true
false false
false true