randRange( 1, 12 ) randRange( 0, 3 ) * 15 MINUTE > 5 ? MINUTE : "0" + "" + MINUTE icu.getDateFormatSymbols().am_pm[HOUR >= 7 ? 0 : 1]

What time is it?

init({ range: [ [-4, 4 ], [ -4, 4 ] ], scale: 25 }); clock = addAnalogClock({ hour: HOUR, minute: MINUTE, minuteTicks: 0 }); clock.draw();
init({ range: [ [-5, 5], [-3, 3] ], scale: 25 });


path([ [-3, -1], [3, -1], [3, 1], [-3, 1], [-3, -1] ]); graph.time = label( [0, -0.1], "\\Huge{\\phantom{00}:\\phantom{00}}", "center" );

The small hand is for the hour, and the big hand is for the minutes.

The hour hand is pointing at HOUR, so the hour is HOUR.

The hour hand is between HOUR and HOUR + 1 === 13 ? 1 : HOUR + 1, so the hour is HOUR.

The hour hand is close to but hasn't passed HOUR + 1 === 13 ? 1 : HOUR + 1, so the hour is still HOUR.

graph.time.remove(); var padding = HOUR < 10 ? "\\phantom{0}" : ""; graph.time = label([0, -0.1], "\\Huge{" + padding + HOUR + ":\\phantom{00}}", "center" );

The minute hand starts pointing straight up for 0 minutes, and makes a complete circle in 1 hour.

For each quarter of the circle that the minute hand passes, add 15 minutes.

The minute hand has passed MINUTE / 15 fourth of a circle, which represents MINUTE minutes.

The minute hand has passed MINUTE / 15 fourths of a circle, which represents MINUTE minutes.

graph.time.remove(); var padding = MINUTE < 10 ? "0" : ""; graph.time = label([0, -0.1], "\\Huge{" + HOUR + ":" + padding + MINUTE + "}", "center" );