randRange(100, 9999) NUMBER_SEED.toString().length rand(2) === 0 ? randRange(4, 7) : randRange( -1 * NUMBER_SEED_LENGTH - 4, -1 * NUMBER_SEED_LENGTH ) ZEROES + ( NUMBER_SEED_LENGTH - 1 ) NUMBER_SEED / pow( 10, E - ZEROES ) localeToFixed(BASE, E - ZEROES) floor( BASE ) BASE_STR.substring( 1 ) ZEROES > 0 ? NUMBER_SEED * pow( 10, ZEROES ) : // NOTE: Don't use toFixed unless you have a good reason, // use localeToFixed instead. Here, since we're passing off // to commafy, we need toFixed. (NUMBER_SEED * pow( 10, ZEROES )).toFixed(-1 * ZEROES) commafy( DECIMAL ) BASE_STR + " \\times 10^{" + E + "}" \newcommand{\exponentColor}[1]{\color{purple}{#1}}\newcommand{\leadingColor}[1]{\color{green}{#1}}

Express the top number in scientific notation by dragging the decimal in the bottom number:

init({ range: [ [ -8, 14 ], [ -1, 3 ] ], scale: [23, 45] }); graph.decimalPlace = E; var decimal = icu.getDecimalFormatSymbols().decimal_separator; graph.digits = []; for ( var i = -5; i < 0; ++i ) { graph.digits.push( label( [ i - 0.5, 0 ], "\\Huge{0}" ) ); if ( i >= E ) { label( [ i - 0.5, 2 ], "\\Huge{0}" ); } } $.each( integerToDigits( NUMBER_SEED ), function() { graph.digits.push( label( [ i - 0.5, 0 ], "\\Huge{" + this + "}" ) ); label( [ i - 0.5, 2 ], "\\Huge{" + this + "}" ); ++i; }); for ( ; i < 11; ++i ) { graph.digits.push( label( [ i - 0.5, 0 ], "\\Huge{0}" ) ); if ( i <= E ) { label( [ i - 0.5, 2 ], "\\Huge{0}" ); } } label( [ 0, 1 ], "\\large{=}" ); graph.exp = bogusShape; addMouseLayer(); graph.decimal = addMovablePoint({ coord: [ graph.decimalPlace, -0.3 ], snapX: 1, constraints: { constrainY: true }, normalStyle: { fill: KhanUtil.BLUE, stroke: KhanUtil.BLUE } }); graph.decimal.visibleShape.remove(); graph.decimal.visibleShape = label([graph.decimalPlace, -0.3], "\\Huge{" + decimal + "}"); graph.decimal.visibleShape.moveTo = function(point) { this.attr("cx", point[0]); this.attr("cy", point[1]); }; graph.decimal.visibleShape.css("color", KhanUtil.BLUE); graph.decimal.onHighlight = function() { graph.decimal.visibleShape.css("color", KhanUtil.ORANGE); $({scale: 1}).animate({scale: 1.5}, { step: function(now) { graph.decimal.visibleShape.css( "transform", "scale(" + now + ")" ); }, duration: 50 }); } graph.decimal.onUnhighlight = function() { graph.decimal.visibleShape.css("color", KhanUtil.BLUE); $({scale: 1.5}).animate({scale: 1}, { step: function(now) { graph.decimal.visibleShape.css( "transform", "scale(" + now + ")" ); }, duration: 50 }); } style({ stroke: null, fill: "black" }, function() { label( [ E, 1.7 ], "\\Huge{" + decimal + "}"); }); var lastPlaceAndExp = [null, null]; var setDecimal = function( place, exp ) { if (lastPlaceAndExp[0] === place && lastPlaceAndExp[1] === exp) { return; } lastPlaceAndExp = [place, exp]; var i; if ( place <= 0 ) { for ( i = -5; i < place-1; ++i ) { graph.digits[i + 5].hide() } while ( i < NUMBER_SEED_LENGTH ) { graph.digits[ i + 5 ].show() ++i; } graph.exp.remove(); graph.exp = label( [ i - 1, 0.25 ], "\\color{gray}{\\huge{ \\times 10^{\\color{" + BLUE + "}{" + exp + "}}}}", "right" ); while ( i < 11 ) { graph.digits[i + 5].hide() ++i; } } else { for ( i = -5; i < 0; ++i ) { graph.digits[i + 5].hide() } while ( i < place || i < NUMBER_SEED_LENGTH ) { graph.digits[i + 5].show() ++i; } graph.exp.remove(); graph.exp = label( [ i - 1, 0.25 ], "\\color{gray}{\\huge{ \\times 10^{\\color{" + BLUE + "}{" + exp + "}}}}", "right" ); while ( i < 11 ) { graph.digits[i + 5].hide() ++i; } } }; setDecimal( E + 1, 0 ); graph.decimal.onMove = function( x, y ) { if ( x < -5 || x > 10 ) { return false; } var exp = E - x; setDecimal( x + 1, exp ); graph.decimal.visibleShape.setPosition([x, y]); };

As you move the decimal, the exponent will automatically change so both numbers are always equal.

E - graph.decimal.coord[0]
if ( guess === 0 ) { return ""; } return guess === E;

To write PRETTY_DECIMAL in scientific notation, move the decimal to the rightleft so the number is greater than or equal to 1, but less than 10.

Moving the decimal to the rightleft abs( E ) place leaves us with BASE_STR.

Moving the decimal to the rightleft abs( E ) places leaves us with BASE_STR.

Moving the decimal to the rightleft abs( E ) place is the same as multiplyingdividing by ten abs( E ) time. Therefore, to counteract moving the decimal, we need to dividemultiply by ten abs( E ) time — which is the same as multiplying by 10^{E}.

Moving the decimal to the rightleft abs( E ) places is the same as multiplyingdividing by ten abs( E ) times. Therefore, to counteract moving the decimal, we need to dividemultiply by ten abs( E ) times — which is the same as multiplying by 10^{E}.

PRETTY_DECIMAL in scientific notation is \color{PINK}{BASE_STR}\times \color{BLUE}{10^{E}}.

var place = graph.decimal.coord[0]; $({ 0: place }).animate( { 0: 0 }, { duration: abs( place ) * 50, easing: "linear", step: function( now, fx ) { now = round( now ); graph.decimal.setCoord([ now, -0.3 ]); graph.decimal.onMove( now, -0.3 ); } });