KhanUtil.shuffle([ "blue", "green", "red", "purple", "pink" ]) (function() { var array = []; var ds = []; var used = {}; var arrLength = randRange(4, 5); while ( array.length < arrLength ) { var d = randFromArray(denominators); var n = randRange(1, d - 1); var ns = localeToFixed(n / d, 3); if (!used[ns]) { var gcd = getGCD(n, d); array.push([ n / d, (n / gcd), (d / gcd), fractionReduce(n, d), COLORS[array.length] ]); ds.push( d/gcd ); used[ ns ] = true; } } return array; })() $.map(NUMS, function(el) { return el[2]; }) getLCM.apply(KhanUtil, DENOMS) $.map(NUMS, function(el) { return el[1] * LCD / el[2]; }) $.map(NUMS, function(el) { return el[3]; }).join(",") $.map(NUMS, function(el) { return "\\" + el[4] + "{" + el[3] + "}"; }).join(",") $.extend(true, [], NUMS).sort(function(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; }) $.map(NUMS_SORT, function(el) { return el[3]; }).join(",") $.map(NUMS_SORT, function(el) { return "\\" + el[4] + "{" + (el[1] * LCD / el[2]) + "}"; }).join("<") $.map(NUMS_SORT, function(el) { return "\\" + el[4] + "{\\dfrac{" + (el[1] * LCD / el[2]) + "}{" + LCD + "}}"; }).join(",\\ ") $.map(NUMS, function(el) { return "\\" + el[4] + "{\\dfrac{" + (el[1] * LCD / el[2]) + "}{" + LCD + "}}"; }) $.map(NUMS_SORT, function(el) { return "\\" + el[4] + "{" + el[3] + "}"; }).join(",\\ ") createSorter()

Order the following fractions from least to greatest:

  • NUM[3] NUM[3]

SORTER.init( "sortable" )

if (SORTER.hasAttempted) { return guess.join(",") === FRACTION_SORT_TEX; } else { return ""; }
SORTER.setContent( guess );

Let's change the fractions to have a common denominator of LCD:

\qquad \NUM[4]{NUM[3]} \times \dfrac{LCD / NUM[2]}{LCD / NUM[2]} = \NUM[4]{\dfrac{NUMS_LCD[I]}{LCD}}

Now that our fractions have the same denominator, we can order their numerators from least to greatest:


The fractions listed in order from least to greatest are as follows:


Finally, let's convert the fractions back to their original form: