
Write the conditional statement in "if-then" form.



Drag the phrases left and right so they form the correct "if-then" sentence
return guess.join(" ") ===, makeSoln).join(" ");
[["balloons", "old", "don't float", true], ["trees", "green", "are not dead", true], ["boys", "young", "can't drive", true], ["hot dogs", "green", "are unhealthy", true], ["batteries", "old", "don't work", true], ["cars", "new", "smell nice", true], ["books", "missing pages", "are unhelpful", false], ["polygons", "square", "are rectangles", false], ["angles", "vertical", "share a vertex", false], ["angles", "adjacent", "share a ray", false], ["angles", "adjacent", "share no interior points", false], ["rectangles", "square", "are rhombi", false], ["rectangles", "rhombi", "are square", false]] randFromArray(QUESTIONS) ["If", [NOUN, 1], ["are "+ADJECTIVE, 1], "then", ["they", 2], [CONCLUSION, 2]] ADJ_NOUN ? [[capitalize(ADJECTIVE), 1], " ", [NOUN, 1], " ", [CONCLUSION, 2], "."] : [[capitalize(NOUN), 1], " which are ", [ADJECTIVE, 1], " ", [CONCLUSION, 2], "."], makeStatement).join("")

In an "if-then" sentence there is a given part, and a conclusion part. The sentence goes "If given part, then conclusion part."

The conclusion is always true when the given is true, but not necessarily the other way around.

The given part stands by itself. Sometimes it describes an object, and sometimes it is an object itself.

In this sentence, the given part is "ADJ_NOUN ? ADJECTIVE+" "+NOUN : NOUN+" which are "+ADJECTIVE", which describes what kind of NOUN we are dealing with.


The conclusion part is something that depends on the given part, and is always true when the given part is true.

In this sentence, the conclusion part is "CONCLUSION", which says that NOUN CONCLUSION when the given part is true.


To find the answer, we combine the given and conclusion part, to find ", makeStatement).join(" ")".

$(".set-blue").addClass("hint_blue"); $(".set-green").addClass("hint_green");
[["animal", "spider", "has", "have", "eight legs", "eight legs"], ["creature", "tiggle", "is", "are", "talking", "talking"], ["creature", "wiggle", "is", "are", "walking", "walking"], ["creature", "wiggle", "is", "are", "a tiggle", "tiggles"], ["creature", "tiggle", "is", "are", "a wiggle", "wiggles"], ["animal", "giraffe", "has", "have", "a long neck", "long necks"], ["animal", "giraffe", "has", "have", "four legs", "four legs"], ["animal", "cat", "has", "have", "four legs", "four legs"], ["animal", "dog", "has", "have", "four legs", "four legs"], ["shape", "isosceles triangle", "has", "have","two equal sides", "two equal sides"], ["shape", "rectangle", "has", "have", "four right angles", "four right angles"], ["figure", "quadrilateral", "has", "have", "four sides", "four sides"]] randFromArray(QUESTIONS) ["If", [an(CATEGORY), 1], ["is", 1], [an(TYPE), 1], "then", ["it", 2], [VERB_S+" "+CONCLUSION_S, 2]] [[capitalize(plural(TYPE)), 1], " ", [VERB_P, 2], " ", [CONCLUSION_P, 2], "."], makeStatement).join("")

In an "if-then" sentence there is a given part, and a conclusion part. The sentence goes "If given part, then conclusion part."

The conclusion is always true when the given is true, but not necessarily the other way around.

The given part stands by itself. Sometimes it describes an object, and sometimes it is an object itself.

In this sentence, the given part is "TYPE", which describes what kind of CATEGORY we are dealing with.


The conclusion part is something that depends on the given part, and is always true when the given part is true.

In this sentence, the conclusion part is "VERB_P+" "+CONCLUSION_P", which says that AMBIGUOUS_PLURAL(TYPE) VERB_P+" "+CONCLUSION_P when the given part is true.


To find the answer, we combine the given and conclusion part, to find ", makeStatement).join(" ")".

$(".set-blue").addClass("hint_blue"); $(".set-green").addClass("hint_green");
[["go to", "a birthday party", "eat", "cake"], ["eat", "a sandwich", "turn into", "superman"], ["turn into", "superman", "eat", "a sandwich"], ["watch", "a movie", "eat", "popcorn"], ["miss", "the bus", "ride with", "my dad"], ["go in", "the rain", "take", "my umbrella"], ["answer", "the phone", "say", "Hello"], ["eat", "ice cream", "get", "sick"], ["get", "sick", "eat", "ice cream"], ["miss", "my alarm", "run", "late"], ["go to", "the track meet", "run", "fast"], ["play", "basketball", "make", "a three point shot"], ["go to", "the Olympics", "win", "a gold medal"], ["go to", "the softball game", "hit", "a home run"], ["finish", "my homework", "play", "on the computer"], ["win", "a gold medal", "go to", "Disneyland"]] randFromArray(QUESTIONS) ["If", ["I", 1], [EVENT_V, 1], [EVENT_N, 1], "then", ["I", 2], [CONC_V, 2], [CONC_N, 2]] randFromArray([ [["I will ", 2], [CONC_V, 2], " ", [CONC_N, 2], " when ", ["I ", 1], [EVENT_V, 1], " ", [EVENT_N, 1], "."], ["When ", ["I ", 1], [EVENT_V, 1], " ", [EVENT_N, 1], [", I will ", 2], [CONC_V, 2], " ", [CONC_N, 2], "."] ]), makeStatement).join("")

In an "if-then" sentence there is a given part, and a conclusion part. The sentence goes "If given part, then conclusion part."

The conclusion is always true when the given is true, but not necessarily the other way around.

The given part stands by itself. Sometimes it describes an object, and sometimes it is an event that might happen.

In this sentence, the given part is "EVENT_V+" "+EVENT_N", which is an event that might happen.


The conclusion part is something that will happen when the given part happens.

In this sentence, the conclusion part is "CONC_V+" "+CONC_N", which is another event that might happen when I EVENT_V+" "+EVENT_N.


To find the answer, we combine the given and conclusion part, to find ", makeStatement).join(" ")".

$(".set-blue").addClass("hint_blue"); $(".set-green").addClass("hint_green");