12 randRange( 0, DENOMINATOR - 1 ) randRange( 1, 9 ) cos( ANGLE * PI * 2 / DENOMINATOR ) * RADIUS sin( ANGLE * PI * 2 / DENOMINATOR ) * RADIUS complexNumber( roundTo( 2, REAL ), roundTo( 2, IMAG ) )

Adjust the angle and radius of the orange plotted complex number to match the blue plotted complex number REP.

How do these numbers affect the complex number they represent?

graphInit({ range: [[-10, 10], [-10, 10]], scale: 20, tickStep: 1, axisArrows: "<->" }); drawComplexChart( 10, DENOMINATOR ); circle( [REAL, IMAG], 1 / 4, { fill: KhanUtil.BLUE, stroke: "none" }); graph.currComplexPolar = new ComplexPolarForm( DENOMINATOR, 10 ); redrawComplexPolarForm();
Radius: 1
Angle: 0
[ graph.currComplexPolar.getAngleNumerator(), graph.currComplexPolar.getRadius() ]
var angle = guess[0]; var radius = guess[1]; if (angle === 0 && radius === 1) { return ""; } return angle === ANGLE && radius === RADIUS;
redrawComplexPolarForm(guess[0], guess[1]);
redrawComplexPolarForm(guess[0], guess[1]);