randRange(5, 9) * 100 randRange(1, 9) * 10 randRange(1, 9) A + B + C 2 truncate_to_max(fruit_1_integer * pow(10, -fruit_1_decimal), 2) randRange(3, 9) * 100 randRange(1, 9) * 10 randRange(1, 9) D + E + F 2 truncate_to_max(fruit_2_integer * pow(10, -fruit_2_decimal), 2) truncate_to_max((fruit_1 + fruit_2), 2) []

{On a sunny morning|On a beautiful afternoon}, person(1) rode his bicycle to a farm that sold baskets of plural_form(fruit(1)) for $fruit_1 each and baskets of plural_form(fruit(2)) for $fruit_2 each.

{On a sunny morning|On a beautiful afternoon}, person(1) rode her bicycle to a farm that sold baskets of plural_form(fruit(1)) for $fruit_1 each and baskets of plural_form(fruit(2)) for $fruit_2 each.

person(1) decided to buy a basket of plural_form(fruit(1)) and a basket of plural_form(fruit(2)) {before heading home|because those were his favorite kinds of fruit|}.

person(1) decided to buy a basket of plural_form(fruit(1)) and a basket of plural_form(fruit(2)) {before heading home|because those were her favorite kinds of fruit|}.

How much did person(1) need to pay for his produce?

How much did person(1) need to pay for her produce?

$fruit_1 + fruit_2

To find the total amount person(1) needs to pay, we need to add the price of the plural_form(fruit(1)) and the price of the plural_form(fruit(2)).

Price of plural_form(fruit(1)) + price of plural_form(fruit(2)) = total price.

graph.adder = new Adder(fruit_1_integer, fruit_2_integer, fruit_1_decimal, fruit_2_decimal); graph.adder.show();

person(1) needs to pay $solution.

randRange(1, 4) * 100 randRange(meters * 15, meters * 30) 2 truncate_to_max(time_1_integer * pow(10, -time_1_decimal), 2) randRange(meters * 15, meters * 30) 2 truncate_to_max(time_2_integer * pow(10, -time_2_decimal), 2) randRange(100, 999) 2 truncate_to_max(time_3_integer * pow(10, -time_3_decimal), 2) [] truncate_to_max((time_1 - time_2), 2)

{On Monday|Last week}, person(1) and person(2) decided to see how fast they could sprint meters meters. They asked their friend person(3) to time them with a stopwatch.

{After time_3 minutes, person(3) agreed to time the runners.|} person(1) sprinted first and ran meters meters in time_1 seconds. When it was person(2)'s turn, he sped off and completed the run in time_2 seconds.

{After time_3 minutes, person(3) agreed to time the runners.|} person(1) sprinted first and ran meters meters in time_1 seconds. When it was person(2)'s turn, she sped off and completed the run in time_2 seconds.

How much faster was person(2) than person(1) in seconds?

time_1 - time_2 seconds

To find how much faster person(2) was than person(1), we need to find the difference between their times in seconds.

person(1)'s time - person(2)'s time = difference in times.

graph.subtractor = new DecimalSubtractor(time_1_integer, time_1_decimal, time_2_integer, time_2_decimal); graph.subtractor.show(); graph.subtractor.showDecimals();

person(2) was solution seconds faster than person(1).

randRange(250, 500) 2 truncate_to_max(weight_1_integer * pow(10, -weight_1_decimal), 2) randRange(250, 500) 2 truncate_to_max(weight_2_integer * pow(10, -weight_2_decimal), 2) randRange(90, 110) / 2 randRange(90, 110) / 2 truncate_to_max((weight_1 + weight_2), 2) []

{Last Monday|On Saturday}, person(1)'s mother gave birth to twins and named them person(2) and person(3). When they were first born, person(2) weighed weight_1 kilograms {and was height_1 centimeters tall|}, and person(3) weighed weight_2 kilograms {and was height_2 centimeters tall|}.

How much did the babies weigh in total?

weight_1 + weight_2 kilograms

To find the weights of the two babies, we need to add their weights together.

person(2)'s weight + person(3)'s weight = total weight.

graph.adder = new Adder(weight_1_integer, weight_2_integer, weight_1_decimal, weight_2_decimal); graph.adder.show();

Together, the babies weigh solution kilograms.

randRange(1, 9) randRange(1, 9) randRange(2, 9) M * 100 + N * 10 + O 2 truncate_to_max(amount_paid_integer * pow(10, -amount_paid_decimal), 2) randRange(1, M) * 100 randRange(1, N) * 10 randRange(1, O) P + Q + R (2) truncate_to_max(price_1_integer * pow(10, -price_1_decimal), 2) randRange(3, 30) truncate_to_max((amount_paid-price_1), 2) []

{On Tuesday,|Last Thursday,|} person(1) walked to a store(1) store {timeofday(1)|} and {, after browsing for time_1 minutes,|} decided to buy a storeItem(1, 1) for $price_1. person(1) handed the salesperson $amount_paid for his purchase.

{On Tuesday,|Last Thursday,|} person(1) walked to a store(1) store {timeofday(1)|} and {, after browsing for time_1 minutes,|} decided to buy a storeItem(1, 1) for $price_1. person(1) handed the salesperson $amount_paid for her purchase.

How much change did person(1) receive?

$ amount_paid - price_1

To find out how much change person(1) received, we can subtract the price of the storeItem(1,1) from the amount of money he paid.

To find out how much change person(1) received, we can subtract the price of the storeItem(1,1) from the amount of money she paid.

The amount person(1) paid - the price of the storeItem(1,1) = the amount of change person(1) received.

graph.subtractor = new DecimalSubtractor(amount_paid_integer, amount_paid_decimal, price_1_integer, price_1_decimal); graph.subtractor.show(); graph.subtractor.showDecimals();

person(1) received $solution in change.

randRange(101, 999) 2 truncate_to_max(rain_1_integer * pow(10, -rain_1_decimal), 2) randRange(rain_1_integer + 1, 999) 2 truncate_to_max(rain_2_integer * pow(10, -rain_2_decimal), 2) randRange(210, 1589) / 100 [] truncate_to_max((rain_2-rain_1), 2)

During a recent rainstorm, rain_1 centimeters of rain fell in person(1)'s hometown, and rain_2 centimeters of rain fell in person(2)'s hometown. {During the same storm, snow_1 centimeters of snow fell in person(3)'s hometown.|}

How much more rain fell in person(2)'s town than in person(1)'s town?

rain_2 - rain_1 centimeters

To find the difference in rainfall, we can subtract the amount of rain in person(1)'s town from the amount of rain in person(2)'s town.

Rain in person(2)'s town - rain in person(1)'s town = the difference in rain between the two towns.

graph.subtractor = new DecimalSubtractor(rain_2_integer, rain_2_decimal, rain_1_integer, rain_1_decimal); graph.subtractor.show(); graph.subtractor.showDecimals();

person(2)'s town received solution centimeters more rain than person(1)'s town.

randRange(100, 2000) 2 truncate_to_max(distance_1_integer * pow(10, -distance_1_decimal), 2) randRange(100, distance_1_integer - 1) 2 truncate_to_max(distance_2_integer * pow(10, -distance_2_decimal), 2) truncate_to_max((distance_1 + distance_2), 2) randRange(2020, 5217) / 100 []

{To get to school each morning|To get to work each morning|To visit his grandmother}, person(1) takes a vehicle(1) distance_1 plural_form(distance(1), distance_1) and a vehicle(2) distance_2 plural_form(distance(1), distance_2). {In total, the journey takes time_1 minutes.|}

{To get to school each morning|To get to work each morning|To visit her grandmother}, person(1) takes a vehicle(1) distance_1 plural_form(distance(1), distance_1) and a vehicle(2) distance_2 plural_form(distance(1), distance_2). {In total, the journey takes time_1 minutes.|}

How many plural_form(distance(1)) is person(1)'s journey in total?

distance_1 + distance_2 plural(distance(1))

To find the total distance person(1) travels, we need to add the two distances together.

Distance on vehicle(1) + distance on vehicle(2) = total distance.

graph.adder = new Adder(distance_1_integer, distance_2_integer, distance_1_decimal, distance_2_decimal); graph.adder.show();

person(1) travels solution plural_form(distance(1), solution) in total.