STÆDT Program Note
Date: February 14, 2002
STÆDT Release: 4 FEB 02, VB6
To uninstall STÆDT:
The Uninstall facility will remove all files that were originally installed by Setup.
If any of the example command lists in the APPLS folder were executed, numerous new files will have been created in that folder or its subfolders. The Uninstall facility will not remove any such new file or a folder containing such a file. A displayed message reports that these folders could not be removed. This is normal, correct behavior; the Uninstall facility can only remove files that were originally installed by Setup.
To eliminate STÆDT entirely after the Uninstall facility has finished, use the Windows Explorer to delete the STAEDT folder, thereby removing all files and subfolders that it contains. Be sure to employ the Uninstall facility first so as to remove Registry entries and files that Setup placed in the Windows folder.