Unit 2 Essay

Write an essay (500 to 1,000 words) in which you assert and defend your opinion on the topic for this unit:

"How does my selected activity or characteristic affect success in an Internet-based college course?"

Use the prewriting techniques we reviewed in Unit 1 to develop a thesis for your paper and identify supporting reasons and evidence for your argument. Try to develop a rough outline that you can flesh out to create a first draft. When you have completed your first draft, use the questions in the Toulmin method to evaluate your argument. Then, revise your essay as needed to reflect the results of your analysis.

Reading aloud to yourself can help you finalize your work when you do not have someone else to edit or grade it for you. As you read, jot notes about anything that does not seem to fit logically or that sounds incorrect to you.

We encourage you to post your work to the course discussion forum so that your classmates can see your work. Also, take some time to comment on your classmates' posts.

You are not required to post your work to the forum, and this activity will not count towards your grade.

Grading method: Highest grade