Societal Issues Challenge

Mini Challenge Summary

Summary: Editorial on societal issue or problematic behaviour associated with the Internet. Time: 1.5 hours.

Stimulus Resources


The purpose of this learning challenge is to:

    • help you contribute to your online identity by publishing an editorial on a societal issue or problematic behavior associated with the Internet.
    • enable you to share evidence of your digital citizenship.


  1. Read How to write an editorial.
  2. Using the topic you selected, decide on the type of editorial, for example:
    • Explaining or interpreting;
    • Criticizing;
    • Persuading;
    • Praising.
  3. Get your facts straight:
    • Revisit the online sources you identified previously.
    • Consult links shared by your LiDA102 peers (vote for valuable links shared by your peers).
    • Search for additional resources if needed.
  4. Prepare a thesis-like paragraph designed to catch the readers attention and introduce what your editorial is about.
  5. Prepare the body of your editorial providing an objective explanation of the issue supported by the relevant sources you have identified, for example:
    • State the opposing argument first;
    • Present reasons refuting the opposition;
    • Share your solutions.
  6. Prepare a paragraph on practical implications, for instance, learning in a digital age or your current role.
  7. Draft the conclusion.


Publish an editorial (400–600 words) on your personal course blog on a societal issue or antisocial behavior associated with the Internet. You editorial must:

  1. Include a minimum of four hyperlinks to supporting resources or issues. (Your digital identity is connected to the Internet and it is important to demonstrate how your contribution joins a networked conversation through connections in information.)
  2. Include a representative image embedded in your blog post (make sure you have copyright permission to use the image).
    • If you are not sure about copyright, use a public domain image on Pixabay, but do not use the sponsored images unless you have purchased rights to use them.
  3. Include at least two references properly cited using the APA style (see APA Style from the University of Canterbury Library).
  4. Include a paragraph highlighting practical implications, for example: learning in a digital age or your current role.

Remember to add a category or tag for your post using the course tag: lida102.

Last modified: Thursday, January 31, 2019, 3:43 PM