Unit 4 Activity and Grading Rubric

In this activity, you will continue working on your operations management plan. As part of your continuing development of your operations management plan, discuss the goal of supply chain management and its application within your business.

Learning Outcome: Discuss the goal of supply chain management and its application in a variety of organizational settings.


  • 2-3 page paper
  • Created in a Word document
  • Follows APA, 6th edition formatting
  • Includes a Reference page for cited sources

Instructions: Continue the operations management plan by writing a 2-3 page paper that discusses the role of the supply chain in your operations. It is okay if some of the information overlaps with your purchasing activities. Use at least 4 scholarly sources to write about how supply chain management applies to your organization and answer the following questions:

  1. What are the goals of supply chain management in terms of your operations? How will these goals affect your operations?
  2. Discuss if you will need to implement a global supply chain management strategy. Why or why not?
  3. Identify any suppliers or vendors you plan to utilize and why.
  4. Discuss how you will address shortages of supply whether it is equipment or employees as you propose developing this business.
  5. Discuss if you will attempt to acquire a supplier or vendor in order to have a greater span of control over the supply chain process.

Please score your paper or have a friend score your paper using the following "rubric," or "scoring guide." The levels will equate to the following letter grades:

4 = A; 3 = B; 2 = C; 1 = D; and 0 = F



Research and Documentation (40%)


The paper should use at least 4 references from peer-reviewed/scholarly sources to address the activity instructions. Any in-text citations MUST be cited in APA format using the APA Manual 6th edition. You should also include a References page, also in APA format, at the end of your paper to cite any sources used.


The paper uses at least three scholarly sources to support your content, but it does not meet the minimum requirement for 4 sources.


Three or more popular sources (i.e. newspapers, internet sites, magazines, etc.) make up a majority of the references to support your content. The paper lacks credible, scholarly sources and does not meet the minimum number of sources required.


The paper includes one or two sources. The paper lacks the use of credible, scholarly sources and may focus on using popular sources. The number of sources used does not meet the minimum requirement (4 sources) and the resources used may not fully support the content of your paper.


The paper fails to cite referenced sources, or does not include any research or sources to support ideas. The paper is based off of non-original content.

Analysis and Argument (40%)


Your paper addresses the three questions in the instructions with the use of supporting evidence and specific details and explanation. You effectively address the following:
1. What are the goals of supply chain management in terms of your operations? How will these goals affect your operations?

  1. Discuss if you will need to implement a global supply chain management strategy. Why or why not?
  2. Identify any suppliers or vendors you plan to utilize and why.
  3. Discuss how you will address shortages of supply whether it is equipment or employees as you propose developing this business.
  4. Discuss if you will attempt to acquire a supplier or vendor in order to have a greater span of control over the supply chain process.


The content addresses only some of the questions presented in the instructions section and reflects minimal original thought and /or critical analysis relative to the business.


The content is vague and is weakly supported by researched evidence. The essay lacks critical analysis relative to the business.


The content does not address the required elements; ideas presented are not supported by research or critical analysis.


There is a lack of critical analysis for the operation management plan, and/or the essay does not address the business content from the Unit 1 Activity.

Grammar/Style (15%)


The content contains a maximum of two grammatical, citation, and punctuation errors. The ideas are concise and presented in a logical manner that is easy for the reader to follow.


The content contains three or four grammatical, citation, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. The sentence structure flows in a concise, logical manner.


The paper contains more than four grammatical, citation, punctuation and/or spelling errors that distract the reader from the comprehension of ideas being presented.


The paper demonstrates poor writing skills, reflected by lack of syntax and proper grammar, which makes ideas difficult to communicate. Ideas are not presented in a logical manner that is easy to follow.


The paper contains numerous grammatical, citation, punctuation, and/or spelling errors.

Format (5%)


The paper should properly formatted (paragraph style, margins, etc.), using the APA Manual, 6th edition. The content is typed in MS Word format, labeled with the student’s name and the activity title/unit number, and a reference section to cite any outside sources used.


The paper meets most of the requirements for formatting, using the APA Manual, 6th edition, though may contain some errors.


The paper lacks proper formatting, based on the APA Manual, 6th edition, and it may use another style of formatting (i.e. MLA, Chicago, etc.).


The paper is typed in a format other than MS Word. A style of formatting other than APA may be used, or there are numerous formatting errors that distract the reader’s comprehension.


The formatting does not comply with the APA Manual, 6th edition and is not created in MS Word.

Last modified: Friday, October 11, 2019, 3:47 PM