Reading and Note-Taking

In this section, you will demonstrate your note-taking skills based on reading an academic publication.

The challenge which follows also incorporates digital skills associated with semantic content markup using the Markdown markup language. Semantic markup is an important digital skill which separates formatting (e.g. headings, bold, italics, lists etc.) from the content using designated characters without the use of rich text editors. This provides the capability to use plain text files that can be converted to formatted text online. Markdown is one of many markup protocols, and is used here to demonstrate the principles of semantic markup.

Mini Challenge Summary

Summary: Summarise research article using semantic markup. Time 45 minutes.


Stimulus resources

Note-Taking from Readings
Markdown Syntax
Example of Required Output


The purpose of this mini challenge is to demonstrate your skills in:

    • Reading and summarizing an academic article in support of your research topic
    • Applying Markdown syntax to format and publish your summary using Simplenote.


  1. Search for a peer reviewed journal article in support of your research topic.
  2. Remember to add the source to your citation management tool.
  3. Prepare a summary of the journal article based on this example.
  4. Activate Markdown formatting in Simplenote if using the Windows, iOS, Android or Linux application. Alternatively, you can use the online web version to apply Markdown syntax. Your summary must at a minimum demonstrate the following text formats:
      • Headings and subheadings,
      • Bold and italics,
      • Numbered or unordered list,
      • Labelled link,
      • Horizontal rule,
      • Block quote for one or more citations from the article.
  5. Copy your summary prepared in Simplenote and paste this text summary into in your citation management tool using the notes feature so that you have a copy for your personal library as backup.


  1. Publish a copy of your Simplenote summary online. Copy the public share link.
  2. Post this share link on, provide a creative caption and remember to include the hashtags: #lida101 and #lida101notes
  3. View notes from your fellow learners by searching for the lida101notes tag
Last modified: Wednesday, January 30, 2019, 2:09 PM