Course Syllabus

Welcome to Saylor Academy!

In the Course Syllabus for each course, you can find information about that course: its units, learning outcomes, time advisories, and other useful information.

For more general information about taking Saylor Academy courses, including information about Community and Academic Codes of Conduct, please read the Student Handbook.


Course Description

Learn how to use Saylor Academy in this five-minute course!


Course Introduction

This course will introduce you to taking a Saylor Academy course.

This course includes the following units:

  • Unit 1: Programs
  • Unit 2: Partners
  • Unit 3: Plagiarism


Course Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are the skills and knowledge you will have after completing a course or unit. In the Course Syllabus, learning outcomes for the course will be listed. In each course, you'll also see related learning outcomes in each unit. Use the learning outcomes to organize your learning and measure your progress.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • navigate a Saylor Academy course;
  • explain how to use the Help Center;
  • explain Saylor Academy's partner programs;
  • define plagiarism and describe strategies to avoid it;
  • complete a Saylor Academy final exam.
Last modified: Thursday, May 9, 2019, 1:54 PM