Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method that allows and restricts access to subjects or users based on the role of the user. When reading, pay attention to the description of an RBAC system and be able to describe the system, as well as to name the user that only RBAC can restrict. How does this one restriction increase the difficulty for an attacker to compromise the system? What is the set of rules called that manages the RBAC system? Although you will not be asked to create an RBAC policy, read through the rest of the document and try to follow the examples of how an RBAC policy is coded on a system.

14. Sample Policies

Below is the sample policy provided with a gradm installation:

role admin sA
subject / rvka
        / rwcdmlxi

role default G
role_transitions admin
subject /
        /               r
        /opt            rx
        /home           rwxcd
        /mnt            rw
        /dev/grsec      h
        /dev/urandom    r
        /dev/random     r
        /dev/zero       rw
        /dev/input      rw
        /dev/psaux      rw
        /dev/null       rw
        /dev/tty?       rw
        /dev/console    rw
        /dev/tty        rw
        /dev/pts        rw
        /dev/ptmx       rw
        /dev/dsp        rw
        /dev/mixer      rw
        /dev/initctl    rw
        /dev/fd0        r
        /dev/cdrom      r
        /dev/mem        h
        /dev/kmem       h
        /dev/port       h
        /bin            rx
        /sbin           rx
        /lib            rx
        /usr            rx
# compilation of kernel code should be done within the admin role
        /usr/src        h
        /etc            rx
        /proc           rwx
        /proc/slabinfo  h
        /proc/kcore     h
        /proc/modules   h
        /proc/sys       r
        /root           r
        /tmp            rwcd
        /var            rwxcd
        /var/tmp        rwcd
        /var/log        r
# hide the kernel images and modules
        /boot           h
        /lib/modules    h
        /etc/grsec      h
        /etc/ssh        h

# if sshd needs to be restarted, it can be done through the admin role
# restarting sshd should be followed immediately by a gradm -u


#       RES_AS 100M 100M

#       connect stream tcp
#       bind stream dgram tcp udp

# the d flag protects /proc fd and mem entries for sshd
# all daemons should have 'p' in their subject mode to prevent
# an attacker from killing the service (and restarting it with trojaned
# config file or taking the port it reserved to run a trojaned service)

subject /usr/sbin/sshd dpo
        /               h
        /bin/bash       x
        /dev            h
        /dev/log        rw
        /dev/random     r
        /dev/urandom    r
        /dev/null       rw
        /dev/ptmx       rw
        /dev/pts        rw
        /dev/tty        rw
        /dev/tty?       rw
        /etc            r
        /etc/grsec      h
        /lib            rx
        /proc           r
        /proc/kcore     h
        /proc/sys       h
        /usr/lib        rx
        /usr/share/zoneinfo r
        /var/log/lastlog        rw
        /var/log/wtmp           w
        /var/run/utmp           rw


subject /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86
        /dev/mem        rw



subject /usr/bin/ssh
        /etc/ssh/ssh_config r

subject /sbin/klogd

subject /sbin/syslog-ng

subject /usr/sbin/cron
        /dev/log rw

subject /bin/login
        /dev/log rw
        /var/log/wtmp w
        /var/log/faillog rwcd

subject /sbin/getty
        /var/log/wtmp w

subject /sbin/init
        /var/log/wtmp w

Below is a full user role policy that covers the behavior of cvs-pserver when run as the non-root cvs user, providing anonymous read-only CVS repository access.

role cvs u
   subject /
      /     h
      connect   disabled
      bind      disabled

   subject /usr/bin/cvs
      /etc/fstab         r
      /etc/mtab          r
      /etc/passwd        r
      /proc/meminfo      r
      /dev/urandom       r
      /dev/log           rw
      /dev/null          rw
      /home/cvs          r
      /home/cvs/CVSROOT/val-tags  rw
      /home/cvs/CVSROOT/history   ra
      /tmp               rwcd
      /var/lock/cvs      rwcd
      /var/run/.nscd_socket       rw
      /proc/sys/kernel   r

Here's all that's needed for an unprivileged sshd account:

role sshd u
   subject /
      /  h
      /var/run/sshd r
      bind disabled
      connect disabled