C String Exercises

Site: Saylor Academy
Course: CS107: C++ Programming
Book: C String Exercises
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Date: Friday, February 4, 2022, 5:17 PM


Complete these exercises to test your understanding of string arrays.

C String Exercises

Exercise 1

Write a program in C to input a string and print it.

Test Data:
Input the string: Welcome, w3resource

Expected Output:

The string you entered is: Welcome, w3resource 


Exercise 2

Write a program in C to find the length of a string without using library function.

Test Data:
Input the string: w3resource.com

Expected Output:

Length of the string is: 15 


Exercise 3

Write a program in C to separate the individual characters from a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: w3resource.com

Expected Output:
The characters of the string are: 
w  3  r  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  .  c  o  m


Exercise 4

Write a program in C to print individual characters of string in reverse order.

Test Data:
Input the string: w3resource.com

Expected Output:

The characters of the string in reverse are:
m  o  c  .  e  c  r  u  o  s  e  r  3  w


Exercise 5

Write a program in C to count the total number of words in a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: This is w3resource.com

Expected Output:

Total number of words in the string is: 3 


Exercise 6

Write a program in C to compare two strings without using string library functions.

Test Data:
Check the length of two strings:
Input the 1st string: aabbcc
Input the 2nd string: abcdef
String1: aabbcc
String2: abcdef

Expected Output:

Strings are not equal.

Check the length of two strings:
Input the 1st string: aabbcc
Input the 2nd string: aabbcc
String1: aabbcc
String2: aabbcc

Expected Output:

Strings are equal.

Exercise 7

Write a program in C to count total number of alphabets, digits and special characters in a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: Welcome to w3resource.com

Expected Output:

Number of Alphabets in the string is: 21 
Number of Digits in the string is: 1 
Number of Special characters in the string is: 4 


Exercise 8

Write a program in C to copy one string to another string.

Test Data:
Input the string: This is a string to be copied.

Expected Output:

The First string is: This is a string to be copied.
The Second string is: This is a string to be copied. 
Number of characters copied: 31


Exercise 9

Write a program in C to count total number of vowel or consonant in a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: Welcome to w3resource.com

Expected Output:

The total number of vowel in the string is: 9 
The total number of consonant in the string is: 12


Exercise 10

Write a program in C to find maximum occurring character in a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: Welcome to w3resource.com.

Expected Output:

The Highest frequency of character 'e' 
appears number of times: 4 


Exercise 11

Write a C program to sort a string array in ascending order.

Test Data:
Input the string: w3resource

Expected Output:

After sorting the string appears like: 

Exercise 12

Write a program in C to read a string through keyboard and sort it using bubble sort.

Test Data:
Input number of strings :3
Input string 3:

Expected Output:

The strings appears after sorting: 

Exercise 13

Write a program in C to extract a substring from a given string.

Test Data:
Input the string: this is test string
Input the position to start extraction: 9
Input the length of substring: 4

Expected Output:

The substring retrieve from the string is: "test"


Exercise 14

Write a C program to check whether a given substring is present in the given string.

Test Data:
Input the string: This is a test string.
Input the substring to be search: search

Expected Output:

The substring is not exists in the string.


Exercise 15

Write a program in C to read a sentence and replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa.

Test Data:
Input the string: This Is A Test String.

Expected Output:

The given sentence is: This Is A Test String.
After Case changed the string  is: tHIS iS a tEST sTRING.


Exercise 16

Write a program in C to find the number of times a given word 'the' appears in the given string.

Test Data:
Input the string: The string where the word the present more than once.

Expected Output:

The frequency of the word 'the' is: 3 


Exercise 17

Write a program in C to remove characters in String Except Alphabets.

Test Data:
Input the string: w3resource.com

Expected Output:

After removing the Output String: wresourcecom


Exercise 18

Write a program in C to Find the Frequency of Characters.

Test Data:
Input the string: This is a test string
Input the character to find frequency: i

Expected Output:

The frequency of 'i' is: 3 

Exercise 19

Write a program in C to Concatenate Two Strings Manually.
Test Data :
Input the first string: this is string one
Input the second string: this is string two

Expected Output:

After concatenation the string is: 
this is string one this is string two


Exercise 20

Write a program in C to find the largest and smallest word in a string.

Test Data:
Input the string: It is a string with smallest and largest word.

Expected Output:

The largest word is 'smallest'
and the smallest word is 'a' 
in the string: 'It is a string with smallest and largest word.'.


Exercise 21

Write a program in C to convert a string to uppercase.

Test Data:
Input a string in lowercase: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Expected Output:

Here is the above string in UPPERCASE :                                


Exercise 22

Write a program in C to convert a string to lowercase.

Test Data:

Expected Output:

Here is the above string in lowercase:                              
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Exercise 23

Write a program in C to check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not.
Test Data:
Input a character: 7

Expected Output:

The entered character is a hexadecimal digit.


Exercise 24

Write a program in C to check whether a letter is uppercase or not.
Test Data:
Input a character: p

Expected Output:

The entered letter is not an UPPERCASE letter.


Exercise 25

Write a program in C to replace the spaces of a string with a specific character.

Test Data:
Input a string: Be glad to see the back of Input replace character: *

Expected Output:

After replacing the space with  * the new string is:                 


Exercise 26

Write a program in C to count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string.

Test Data:
Input a string: The quick brown fox, jumps over the, lazy dog.

Expected Output:

The punctuation characters exists in the string is: 3 


Exercise 27

Write a program in C to print only the string before new line character.

Note: isprint() will only print line one, because the newline character is not printable.

Expected Output:

The quick brown fox


Exercise 28

Write a program in C to check whether a letter is lowercase or not.

Test Data:
Input a character: w

Expected Output:

The entered letter is a lowercase letter.


Exercise 29

Write a program in C to read a file and remove the spaces between two words of its content.

Expected Output:

The content of the file is:                                           
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog                            
After removing the spaces the content is:                             


Exercise 30

Write a program in C to check whether a character is digit or not.

Test Data:
Input a character: 8

Expected Output:

The entered character is a digit.


Exercise 31

Write a program in C to split string by space into words.

Test Data:
Input a string: this is a test string

Expected Output:

Strings or words after split by space are : 
this is a test string .

Exercise 32

Write a C programming to find the repeated character in a given string.

Test Data:
Input a string: w3resource

Expected Output:

Input a string: The first repetitive character in w3resource is: r 


Exercise 33

Write a C programming to count of each character in a given string.

Test Data:
Input a string: w3resource

Expected Output:

Enter a str1ing: The count of each character in the string w3resource is 
w	1
3	1
r	2
e	2
s	1
o	1
u	1
c	1


Exercise 34

Write a C programming to convert vowels into upper case character in a given string.

Test Data:
Input a string: w3resource

Expected Output:

Input a sentence: The original string:
After converting vowels into upper case the sentence becomes:

Source: W3resource, https://www.w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises/string/index.php
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

C String: Solutions

Exercise 1

Write a program in C to input a string and print it.

C Programming: Accept a string from keyboard

Sample Solution:

C Code:

#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>  
void main()
    char str[50];
    printf("\n\nAccept a string from keyboard:\n");
    printf("Input the string: ");
    fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
    printf("The string you entered is: %s\n", str);

Sample Output:
Accept a string from keyboard:                                                                               

Input the string: Welcome, w3resource                                                                        
The string you entered is: Welcome, w3resource  


Flowchart: nAccept a string from keyboard.

Exercise 2

Write a program in C to find the length of a string without using library function.

C Programming: Find the length of a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    char str[100]; /* Declares a string of size 100 */
    int l= 0;
       printf("\n\nFind the length of a string:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
    printf("Length of the string is: %d\n\n", l-1);

Sample Output:
Find the length of a string:                                                                                 
Input the string: w3resource.com                                                                             
Length of the string is: 15

Flowchart: Find the length of a string.

Exercise 3

Write a program in C to separate the individual characters from a string.
C Programming: Separate the individual characters from a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    char str[100]; /* Declares a string of size 100 */
    int l= 0;
       printf("\n\nSeparate the individual characters from a string:\n");
       printf("Input the string : ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
       printf("The characters of the string are: \n");
       printf("%c  ", str[l]);

Sample Output:
Separate the individual characters from a string:                                                            
Input the string: w3resource.com                                                                             
The characters of the string are:                                                                            
w  3  r  e  s  o  u  r  c  e  .  c  o  m

Flowchart: Separate the individual characters from a string

Exercise 4

Write a program in C to print individual characters of string in reverse order.
C Programming: Print individual characters of string in reverse order

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    char str[100]; /* Declares a string of size 100 */
    int l,i;
       printf("\n\nPrint individual characters of string in reverse order:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
       printf("The characters of the string in reverse are: \n");
          printf("%c  ", str[i]);

The program can also be written as below:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    char str[100]; /* Declares a string of size 100 */
    int l=0;
       printf("\n\nPrint individual characters of string in reverse order:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
       printf("The characters of the string in reverse are: \n");
          printf("%c  ", str[l]);

Sample Output:
Print individual characters of string in reverse order:                                                      
Input the string: w3resource.com                                                                             
The characters of the string in reverse are:                                                                 
  m  o  c  .  e  c  r  u  o  s  e  r  3  w

Flowchart :
Flowchart: Print individual characters of string in reverse order

Exercise 5

Write a program in C to count the total number of words in a string.
C Programming: Count the total number of words in a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define str_size 100 //Declare the maximum size of the string

void main()
    char str[str_size];
    int i, wrd;
       printf("\n\nCount the total number of words in a string:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);   
    i = 0;
    wrd = 1;

    /* loop till end of string */
        /* check whether the current character is white space or new line or tab character*/
        if(str[i]==' ' || str[i]=='\n' || str[i]=='\t')


    printf("Total number of words in the string is: %d\n", wrd-1);

Sample Output:
Count the total number of words in a string:                                                                 
Input the string: This is w3resource.com                                                                     
Total number of words in the string is: 3

Flowchart: Count the total number of words in a string

Exercise 6

Write a program in C to compare two strings without using string library functions.

Sample Solution:
C Code:
 // C program to compare the two strings
// without using strcmp() function
#include <stdio.h>
#define str_size 100 //Declare the maximum size of the string
int test(char* s1, char* s2)
         int flag = 0;
         while (*s1 != '\0' || *s2 != '\0') {
                  if (*s1 == *s2) {
        else if ((*s1 == '\0' && *s2 != '\0')
                                     || (*s1 != '\0' && *s2 == '\0')
                                     || *s1 != *s2) {
                            flag = 1;
  return flag;
int main(void)
char str1[str_size], str2[str_size];
   int flg=0;
   printf("\nInput the 1st string: ");
   fgets(str1, sizeof str1, stdin);
   printf("Input the 2nd string: ");
   fgets(str2, sizeof str2, stdin);          
   printf("\nString1: %s", str1);
   printf("String2: %s", str2);
   flg = test(str1, str2);
    if(flg == 0)
       printf("\nStrings are equal.\n");
   else if(flg == 1)
      printf("\nStrings are not equal.");
         return 0;

Sample Output:
Check the length of two strings:
Input the 1st string: aabbcc
Input the 2nd string: abcdef

String1: aabbcc
String2: abcdef

Strings are not equal.

Sample Output:
Check the length of two strings:
Input the 1st string: aabbcc
Input the 2nd string: aabbcc

String1: aabbcc
String2: aabbcc

Strings are equal.

Flowchart: Compare two strings without using string library functions

Exercise 7

Write a program in C to count total number of alphabets, digits and special characters in a string.
C Programming: Count total number of alphabets, digits and special characters

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define str_size 100 //Declare the maximum size of the string

void main()
    char str[str_size];
    int alp, digit, splch, i;
    alp = digit = splch = i = 0;

       printf("\n\nCount total number of alphabets, digits and special characters :\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);   

     /* Checks each character of string*/

        if((str[i]>='a' && str[i]<='z') || (str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z'))
        else if(str[i]>='0' && str[i]<='9')


    printf("Number of Alphabets in the string is: %d\n", alp);
    printf("Number of Digits in the string is: %d\n", digit);
    printf("Number of Special characters in the string is: %d\n\n", splch);

Sample Output:
Count total number of alphabets, digits and special characters:                                              
Input the string: Welcome to w3resource.com                                                                  
Number of Alphabets in the string is: 21                                                                     
Number of Digits in the string is: 1                                                                         
Number of Special characters in the string is: 4

Flowchart: Count total number of alphabets, digits and special characters

Exercise 8

Write a program in C to copy one string to another string.
C Programming: Copy one string into another string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    char str1[100], str2[100];
    int  i;

       printf("\n\nCopy one string into another string:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str1, sizeof str1, stdin);
    /* Copies string1 to string2 character by character */
        str2[i] = str1[i];

    //Makes sure that the string is NULL terminated
    str2[i] = '\0';

    printf("\nThe First string is : %s\n", str1);
    printf("The Second string is: %s\n", str2);
    printf("Number of characters copied: %d\n\n", i);

Sample Output:
Copy one string into another string:                                                                         
Input the string: This is a string to be copied.                                                             
The First string is: This is a string to be copied.                                                          
The Second string is: This is a string to be copied.                                                         
Number of characters copied: 31

Flowchart: Copy one string into another string.

Exercise 9

Write a program in C to count total number of vowel or consonant in a string.
C Programming: Count total number of vowel or consonant

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define str_size 100 //Declare the maximum size of the string

void main()
    char str[str_size];
    int i, len, vowel, cons;
       printf("\n\nCount total number of vowel or consonant:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);   

    vowel = 0;
    cons = 0;
    len = strlen(str);

    for(i=0; i<len; i++)

        if(str[i] =='a' || str[i]=='e' || str[i]=='i' || str[i]=='o' || str[i]=='u' || str[i]=='A' || str[i]=='E' || str[i]=='I' || str[i]=='O' || str[i]=='U')
        else if((str[i]>='a' && str[i]<='z') || (str[i]>='A' && str[i]<='Z'))
    printf("\nThe total number of vowel in the string is: %d\n", vowel);
    printf("The total number of consonant in the string is: %d\n\n", cons);

Sample Output:
Count total number of vowel or consonant:                                                                    
Input the string : Welcome to w3resource.com                                                                  
The total number of vowel in the string is: 9                                                                
The total number of consonant in the string is: 12

Flowchart: Count total number of vowel or consonant.

Exercise 10

Write a program in C to find maximum occurring character in a string.
C Programming: Find maximum occurring character in a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define str_size 100 //Declare the maximum size of the string
#define chr_no 255 //Maximum number of characters to be allowed

void main()
    char str[str_size];
    int ch_fre[chr_no];
    int i = 0, max;
    int ascii;
       printf("\n\nFind maximum occurring character in a string:\n");
       printf("Input the string : ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);

    for(i=0; i<chr_no; i++)  //Set frequency of all characters to 0
        ch_fre[i] = 0;

    /* Read for frequency of each characters */
    while(str[i] != '\0')
        ascii = (int)str[i];
        ch_fre[ascii] += 1;


    max = 0;
    for(i=0; i<chr_no; i++)
        if(ch_fre[i] > ch_fre[max])
            max = i;
    printf("The Highest frequency of character '%c' appears number of times: %d \n\n", max, ch_fre[max]);

Sample Output:
Find maximum occurring character in a string:                                                                
Input the string: Welcome to w3resource                                                                      
The Highest frequency of character 'e' appears number of times: 4

Flowchart: Find maximum occurring character in a string.

Exercise 11

Write a C program to sort a string array in ascending order.

C Programming: Sort a string array in ascending order

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main()
  char str[100],ch;
  int i,j,l;
       printf("\n\nSort a string array in ascending order:\n");
       printf("Input the string : ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
  /* sorting process */
      str[j] = str[j+1];
   printf("After sorting the string appears like: \n");

Sample Output:
Sort a string array in ascending order:                                                                      
Input the string: w3resource                                                                                 
After sorting the string appears like:                                                                       

Flowchart :
Flowchart: Sort a string array in ascending order

Exercise 12

Write a program in C to read a string through keyboard and sort it using bubble sort.

C Programming: Sorts the strings of an array using bubble sort

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main()
  char name[25][50],temp[25];
  int n,i,j;
       printf("\n\nSorts the strings of an array using bubble sort :\n");
  printf("Input number of strings :");

printf("Input string %d :\n",n);
       fgets(name[i], sizeof name, stdin);
     /*Logic Bubble Sort*/

   printf("The strings appears after sorting:\n");

Sample Output:
Sorts the strings of an array using bubble sort:                                                             
Input number of strings: 3                                                                                    
Input string 3:                                                                                              
The strings appears after sorting:                                                                           

Flowchart: Sorts the strings of an array using bubble sort

Exercise 13

Write a program in C to extract a substring from a given string.
C Programming: Extract a substring from a given string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
   char str[100], sstr[100];
   int pos, l, c = 0;
       printf("\n\nExtract a substring from a given string:\n");
       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
   printf("Input the position to start extraction:");
   scanf("%d", &pos);
   printf("Input the length of substring:");
   scanf("%d", &l);
   while (c < l)
      sstr[c] = str[pos+c-1];
   sstr[c] = '\0';
   printf("The substring retrieve from the string is: \" %s\ "\n\n", sstr);

Sample Output:
Extract a substring from a given string:                                                                      
Input the string: This is test string                                                                        
Input the position to start extraction: 9                                                                     
Input the length of substring: 4                                                                              
The substring retrieve from the string is: " test "  

Flowchart: Extract a substring from a given string

Exercise 14

Write a C program to check whether a given substring is present in the given string.
C Programming: Check whether a given substring is present in the given string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
    char str[80],search[20];   
    int c1=0,c2=0,i,j,flg;
       printf("\n\nCheck whether a given  substring is present in the given string :\n");

        printf("Input the string: ");
        fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);

    printf("Input the substring to be search: ");
    fgets(search, sizeof search, stdin);

    while (str[c1]!='\0')

    while (search[c2]!='\0')

            if (str[j]!=search[j-i])
        if (flg==1)
    if (flg==1)
        printf("The substring exists in the string.\n\n");
        printf("The substring is not exists in the string. \n\n");

Sample Output:
Check whether a given  substring is present in the given string:                                              
Input the string: This is a test string.                                                                     
Input the substring to be search: search                                                                     
The substring is not exists in the string.

Flowchart :
Flowchart: Check whether a given substring is present in the given string

Exercise 15

Write a program in C to read a sentence and replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa.
C Programming: Replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void main()
  char str[100];
  int ctr, ch, i;

       printf("\n\nReplace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa:\n");

       printf("Input the string: ");
       fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);  


  ctr = i; /*shows the number of chars accepted in a sentence*/

  printf("\nThe given sentence is: %s",str);

  printf("After Case changed the string  is: ");
  for(i=0; i < ctr; i++)
    ch = islower(str[i]) ? toupper(str[i]) : tolower(str[i]);


Sample Output:
Replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa:                                                    
Input the string: This Is A Test String                                                                      
The given sentence is: This Is A Test String                                                               
After Case changed the string is: tHIS iS a tEST sTRING

Flowchart :
Flowchart: Replace lowercase characters by uppercase and vice-versa

Exercise 16

Write a program in C to find the number of times a given word 'the' appears in the given string.
C Programming: Find the number of times the word 'the' in any combination appears

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <string.h>
void main()
    int ctr=0,i,freq=0;
        int t,h,e,spc;
    char str[100];
       printf("\n\nFind the number of times the word 'the ' in any combination appears:\n");

    printf("Input the string: ");
    fgets(str,sizeof str,stdin);


    /*Counts the frequency of the word 'the' with a trailing space*/
        spc=(str[i+3]==' '||str[i+3]=='\0');
        if ((t&&h&&e&&spc)==1)
    printf("The frequency of the word \'the\' is: %d\n\n",freq);

Sample Output:
Find the number of times the word 'the ' in any combination appears:                                                         
Input the string: The stering where the word the present more then onces.                                                     
The frequency of the word 'the' is: 3

Flowchart: Find the number of times the word 'the ' in any combination appears

Exercise 17

Write a program in C to remove characters in String Except Alphabets.
C Programming: Remove characters in String Except Alphabets

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(){
    char str[150];
    int i,j;
       printf("\n\nRemove characters in String Except Alphabets:\n");

    printf("Input the string : ");
    fgets(str,sizeof str,stdin);   
    for(i=0; str[i]!='\0'; ++i)
        while (!((str[i]>='a'&&str[i]<='z') || (str[i]>='A'&&str[i]<='Z' || str[i]=='\0')))
    printf("After removing the Output String: %s\n\n",str);

Sample Output:
Remove characters in String Except Alphabets :                                                                                
Input the string: W3resource.com                                                                                             
After removing the Output String: Wresourcecom

Flowchart: Remove characters in String Except Alphabets

Exercise 18

Write a program in C to Find the Frequency of Characters.
C Programming: Find the Frequency of Characters

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
void main(){
   char str[1000],choice;
   int i,ctr=0;
       printf("\n\nFind the Frequency of Characters:\n");
    printf("Input the string : ");
    fgets(str,sizeof str,stdin);
   printf("Input the character to find frequency: ");
   printf("The frequency of '%c' is: %d\n\n", choice, ctr);

Sample Output:
Find the Frequency of Characters:                                                                                            
Input the string: This is a test string                                                                                      
Input the character to find frequency: i                                                                                      
The frequency of 'i' is: 3

Flowchart: Find the Frequency of Characters

Exercise 19

Write a program in C to Concatenate Two Strings Manually.
C Programming: Concatenate Two Strings Manually

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void main()
    char str1[100], str2[100], i, j,l,m,k;
       printf("\n\nConcatenate Two Strings Manually:\n");

    printf("Input the first string: ");
    fgets(str1,sizeof str1,stdin);
    printf("Input the second string: ");
    fgets(str2,sizeof str2,stdin);
    for(i=0; i<l-1; ++i);  /* value i contains reaches the end of string str1. */  
    str1[i]=' ';            /* add a space with string str1. */
    i++;                  /* value i increase by 1 for the blank space */

    for(j=0; j<m-1; ++j, ++i)

    printf("After concatenation the string is: \n ");    
    for(i=0; i<k; ++i)    

Sample Output:

Concatenate Two Strings Manually:                                                                                              
Input the first string: this is string one
Input the second string: this is string two                                                                               
After concatenation the string is:                                                                                 
this is string one this is string two


Flowchart: Concatenate Two Strings Manually

Exercise 20

Write a program in C to find the largest and smallest word in a string.
C Programming: Find the largest and smallest word in a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

void main()
    char str[100], word[20], mx[20], mn[20], c;
    int i = 0, j = 0, flg = 0;
       printf("\n\nFind the largest and  smallest word in a string:\n");
    printf("Input the string : ");
    i = 0;
        c = getchar();
        str[i++] = c;
    } while (c != '\n');
    str[i - 1] = '\0';
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
        while (i < strlen(str) && !isspace(str[i]) && isalnum(str[i]))
            word[j++] = str[i++];
        if (j != 0)
            word[j] = '\0';
            if (!flg)
                flg = !flg;
                strcpy(mx, word);
                strcpy(mn, word);
            if (strlen(word) > strlen(mx))
                strcpy(mx, word);
            if (strlen(word) < strlen(mn))
                strcpy(mn, word);
            j = 0;
    printf("The largest word is '%s' \nand the smallest word is '%s' \nin the string: '%s'.\n", mx, mn, str);

Sample Output:
Find the largest and  smallest word in a string:                                                                             
Input the string: It is a string with smallest and largest word.                                                              
The largest word is 'smallest'                                                                                                
and the smallest word is 'a'                                                                                                  
in the string: 'It is a string with smallest and largest word'.

Flowchart: Find the largest and smallest word in a string

Exercise 21

Write a program in C to convert a string to uppercase.
C Programming: Convert a string to uppercase

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    int ctr=0;
    char str_char;
    char str[100];
    printf("\n Convert a string to uppercase:\n"); 
    printf("\n Input a string in lowercase: ");
    fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);  
    printf(" Here is the above string in UPPERCASE:\n ");
    while (str[ctr])
        putchar (toupper(str_char));
    return 0;

Sample Output:
Convert a string to uppercase:
Input a string in lowercase: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Here is the above string in UPPERCASE:

Flowchart: Convert a string to uppercase

Exercise 22

Write a program in C to convert a string to lowercase.
C Programming: Convert a string to lowercase

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    int ctr=0;
    char str_char;
    char str[100];
    printf("\n Convert a string to lowercase:\n"); 
    printf("\n Input a string in UPPERCASE: ");
    fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);  
    printf(" Here is the above string in lowercase:\n ");    
    while (str[ctr])
        putchar (tolower(str_char));
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Convert a string to lowercase:
 Here is the above string in lowercase:
 the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Flowchart: Convert a string to lowercase

Exercise 23

Write a program in C to check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not.
C Programming: Check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    char TestChar;
    printf("\n Check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a character: "); // Hexadecimal Digits are a-f, A-F or 0-9
    scanf( "%c", &TestChar );
    if( isxdigit(TestChar) )
        printf( " The entered character is a hexadecimal digit. \n" );
        printf( " The entered character is not a hexadecimal digit. \n" );
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not:
 Input a character: 7
 The entered character is a hexadecimal digit.

Flowchart: Check whether a character is Hexadecimal Digit or not

Exercise 24

Write a program in C to check whether a letter is uppercase or not.
C Programming: Check whether a letter is uppercase or not

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    char TestChar;
    printf("\n Check whether a letter is uppercase or not:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a character: ");
    scanf( "%c", &TestChar );
    if( isupper(TestChar) )
        printf( " The entered letter is an UPPERCASE letter. \n" );
        printf( " The entered letter is not an UPPERCASE letter. \n" );
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Check whether a letter is uppercase or not:
 Input a character: p
 The entered letter is not an UPPERCASE letter.

Flowchart :
Flowchart: Check whether a letter is uppercase or not

Exercise 25

Write a program in C to replace the spaces of a string with a specific character.
C Programming: Replace the spaces of a string with a specific character

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    int new_char;
    char t;
    int ctr=0;
    char str[100];
    printf("\n Replace the spaces of a string with a specific character:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a string: ");
    fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
    printf(" Input replace character: ");
    printf(" After replacing the space with  %c the new string is:\n",t);
    while (str[ctr])
        if (isspace(new_char))
        putchar (new_char);
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Replace the spaces of a string with a specific character:
 Input a string: Be glad to see the back of
 Input replace character: *
 After replacing the space with  * the new string is:

Flowchart: Replace the spaces of a string with a specific character

Exercise 26

Write a program in C to count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string.
C Programming: Count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    int ctr1=0;
    int ctr2=0;
    char str[100];
    printf("\n Count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a string: ");
    fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);    
    while (str[ctr1])
        if (ispunct(str[ctr1])) ctr2++;
    printf (" The punctuation characters exists in the string is: %d\n\n", ctr2);
      return 0;

Sample Output:
 Count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string:
 Input a string: The quick brown fox,jumps over the,lazy dog.
 The punctuation characters exists in the string is: 3

Flowchart: Count the number of punctuation characters exists in a string

Exercise 27

Write a program in C to print only the string before new line character.

Note: isprint() will only print line one, because the newline character is not printable.

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    int ctr=0;
    char str[]=" The quick brown fox \n jumps over the \n lazy dog. \n";   
    printf("\n Print only the string before new line character:\n"); 
    while (isprint(str[ctr]))
        putchar (str[ctr]);
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Print only the string before new line character:
 The quick brown fox

Flowchart: Print only the string before new line character

Exercise 28

Write a program in C to check whether a letter is lowercase or not.
C Programming: Check whether a letter is lowercase or not

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    char TestChar;
    printf("\n Check whether a letter is lowercase or not:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a character: ");
    scanf( "%c", &TestChar );
    if( islower(TestChar) )
        printf( " The entered letter is a lowercase letter. \n" );
        printf( " The entered letter is not a lowercase letter. \n" );
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Check whether a letter is lowercase or not:
 Input a character: w
 The entered letter is a lowercase letter.

Flowchart: Check whether a letter is lowercase or not

Exercise 29

Write a program in C to read a file and remove the spaces between two words of its content.
C Programming: Remove the spaces between two words of its content

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    FILE * pfile;
    int a;
    printf("\n Remove the spaces between two words:\n"); 
// file.txt contain : the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
    pfile=fopen ("file.txt","r");
    printf(" The content of the file is :\n The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n\n");   
    printf(" After removing the spaces the content is: \n");
    if (pfile)
        do {
            a = fgetc (pfile);
            if ( isgraph(a) ) putchar (a);
        } while (a != EOF);
        fclose (pfile);
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Remove the spaces between two words:                                 
 The content of the file is:                                           
 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog                            
 After removing the spaces the content is:                             

Flowchart: Remove the spaces between two words of its content

Exercise 30

Write a program in C to check whether a character is digit or not.
C Programming: Check whether a character is digit or not

Sample Solution:
C Code:

int main()
    char TestChar;
    printf("\n Check whether a character is digit or not:\n"); 
    printf(" Input a character: ");
    scanf( "%c", &TestChar );
    if( isdigit(TestChar) )
        printf( " The entered character is a digit. \n\n" );
        printf( " The entered character is not a digit. \n\n" );
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Check whether a character is digit or not:
 Input a character: 8
 The entered character is a digit.

Flowchart: Check whether a character is digit or not

Exercise 31

Write a program in C to split string by space into words.
C Programming: Split string by space into words

Sample Solution:
C Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
    char str1[100];
    char newString[10][10];
    int i,j,ctr;
       printf("\n\n Split string by space into words:\n");
    printf(" Input  a string: ");
    fgets(str1, sizeof str1, stdin);   
    j=0; ctr=0;
        // if space or NULL found, assign NULL into newString[ctr]
        if(str1[i]==' '||str1[i]=='\0')
            ctr++;  //for next word
            j=0;    //for next word, init index to 0
    printf("\n Strings or words after split by space are:\n");
    for(i=0;i < ctr;i++)
        printf(" %s\n",newString[i]);
    return 0;

Sample Output:
 Split string by space into words:                                                                                           
 Input  a string: this is a test string                                                                                   
 Strings or words after split by space are:                                                                                  

Flowchart: Split string by space into words

Exercise 32

Write a C programming to find the repeated character in a given string.

Sample Solution:
C Code:
int ifexists(char p, char q[],  int v)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<v;i++)
        if (q[i]==p) return (1);
    return (0);
int main()
    char string1[80],string2[80];
    int n,i,x;
    printf("Input a string: ");
    for(i=1;i < n;  i++)
        if(ifexists(string1[i], string2, x))
            printf("The first repetitive character in %s is: %c ", string1, string1[i]);
        printf("There is no repetitive character in the string %s.", string1);

Sample Output:
Input a string: The first repetitive character in w3resource is: r

Flowchart: Find the repeated character in a given string

Exercise 33

Write a C programming to count of each character in a given string.

Sample Solution:
C Code:
int if_char_exists(char c, char p[],  int x, int y[])
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<=x;i++)
        if (p[i]==c)
        return (1);
    if(i>x) return (0);
int main()
    char str1[80],chr[80];
    int n,i,x,ctr[80];
    printf("Enter a str1ing: ");
    for(i=1;i < n;  i++)
        if(!if_char_exists(str1[i], chr, x, ctr))
    printf("The count of each character in the string %s is \n", str1);
    for (i=0;i<=x;i++)

Sample Output:
Enter a str1ing: The count of each character in the string w3resource is
w    1
3    1
r    2
e    2
s    1
o    1
u    1
c    1

Flowchart: Count of each character in a given string

Exercise 34

Write a C programming to convert vowels into upper case character in a given string.

Sample Solution:
C Code:
int main()
    char string1[255];
    int  i;
   printf("Input a sentence: ");
   printf("The original string:\n");
        if(string1[i]=='a' ||string1[i]=='e' ||string1[i]=='i' ||string1[i]=='o' ||string1[i]=='u')
    printf("After converting vowels into upper case the sentence becomes:\n");

Sample Solution:
Input a sentence: The original string:
After converting vowels into upper case the sentence becomes:

Flowchart: Convert vowels into upper case character in a given string