Traditional vs. Object-Oriented Approaches

4. Object-Oriented Approach

4.2. Object-Oriented Approach: Construction

We build our system through construction based on the Analysis Model and the Requirements Model created by the analysis process. The construction process lasts until the coding is completed and the included units have been tested. There are three main reasons for a construction process: 

  1. The Analysis Model is not sufficiently formal.
  2. Adaptation must be made to the actual implementation environment. 
  3. We want to do internal validation of the analysis results. 
The construction activity produces two models, the Design Model and the Implementation Model. Construction is thus divided into two phases; design and implementation, each of which develops a model. The Design Model is a further refinement and formalization of the Analysis Model where consequences of the implementation environment have been taken into account. The Implementation model is the actual implementation (code) of the system. [2].