• Unit 9: South Asia

    South Asia was the birthplace of two of the world's great religions: Hinduism and Buddhism. Today, South Asia also includes a large Muslim population, and many followers of other religions. While Pakistan and Iran are both Islamic republics, each represents a significant branch of that faith; Iran is predominantly Shia, and Pakistan is mostly Sunni. In the east, Bangladesh and India share a border with Myanmar. Bangladesh is mainly a Muslim country, while most Indians are Hindu. Most people in Myanmar are Buddhist. Sikhism is a major religion in the Punjab region on India's northern border with Pakistan.

    In this unit, we explore and analyze the diverse physical, cultural, political, and economic characteristics of South Asia. First, we will look at the physical geography of the region, paying special attention to its climate, and the Indian monsoon in particular. Then, we will explore the region's population growth. Balancing natural capital and population growth remains a major issue in the region. South Asia is highly populated, with about 1.5 billion people across a wide range of ethnic and cultural groups. We will close out this unit by analyzing its globalizing forces, and then taking an in-depth look at the countries in the region.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

    • MapCheck: South Asia

    • 9.1: Introducing South Asia

    • 9.2: The Peripheral States of South Asia

    • 9.3: Pakistan and Bangladesh

    • 9.4: India

    • 9.5: Religions of India and South Asia