• Unit 3: Organizational Design

    Many businesses have struggled with organizing projects under a separate organizational system than their ongoing operations. Upon the chartering of a project, organizations must determine how their project will be implemented. In many cases, traditional organization designs fall short of providing the type of structure needed for successful project implementation. Thus, the manner in which a project is organized may change with each new charter through a temporary design project which fits the current project's needs.

    There are various project management systems that provide the proper framework for implementing project activities within organizations. This unit will discuss how project managers can balance the needs of both the overall organization and the project by utilizing effective design techniques.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 15 hours.

    • 3.1: Establishing the Proper Organizational Structure

    • 3.2: Working with Individuals

    • 3.3: Working with Groups

    • 3.4: Communication Tactics

    • 3.5: Conflict Resolution

    • Unit 3 Discussion and Assessment

      • Receive a grade