• Unit 6: Bitcoin Nodes and Wallets

    Nodes are computers that are connected to and participating in the Bitcoin network. They maintain a connection to other nodes, share data with the network, relay valid transactions, and maintain at least some blockchain data, among other functions. A Bitcoin wallet serves many functions, such as managing keys, providing a user interface, and creating and signing transactions. While node and wallet functionality often comes together in the same program, they are often discussed in different contexts.

    In this unit, we'll dive into what roles nodes and wallets play on the Bitcoin network. You'll learn who runs nodes and why, experience Bitcoin node and wallet functionality by setting up a regtest node, use a regtest node to perform basic functions, and learn to distinguish between the different functions of a Bitcoin wallet.

    Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

    • 6.1: What a Node Does

    • 6.2: Who Runs a Node and Why?

    • 6.3: Exercise: Set Up a Regtest Node

    • 6.4: The Functions of a Bitcoin Wallet

    • 6.5: Exercise: View Your Node Wallet Data