Explore the political, economic, social, and technological transformations that have shaped our place in the world today, and use that knowledge to tackle the challenges we face now. You can earn a free certificate of completion for any of these online History courses.

In our History courses, you will learn to:

  • discuss the political and social revolutions that have shaped the modern world;
  • analyze the dynamics of globalization and its impact on the economy, culture, and the environment; and
  • think critically about history and its effect on the present.

  • Time: 86 hours
  • Free Certificate
Learn about the political, economic, social, and technological transformations in world history from the 17th century to the present, with a special emphasis on global interactions.

  • Time: 85 hours
  • Free Certificate
Explore the political and social revolutions that shaped the modern world between the 18th and 20th centuries, with a particular emphasis on their causes and their lasting global effects.

  • Time: 39 hours
  • Free Certificate
Explore the history and dynamics of industrialization, with a particular emphasis on the global nature of industrialization and its economic, social, and environmental effects from ancient times to the present.