Explore the real-world applications of mathematics through algebra, calculus, statistics, and geometry. You can earn a free certificate of completion for any of these online Mathematics courses, or use many of them to earn credit in leading college programs.

In our Mathematics courses, you will learn to:

  • perform algebraic operations and understand the principles of algebra;
  • use statistical concepts and techniques in academic and professional contexts; and
  • evaluate functions, graphs, limits, continuity, and derivatives.

  • Time: 101 hours
  • Free Certificate
Learn basic algebraic operations and concepts, as well as the structure of algebra and how it is used in the real world.

  • Time: 45 hours
  • Free Certificate
Get a detailed introduction to functions, graphs, limits, continuity, and derivatives, and explore the relationship between derivatives and graphs.

  • Time: 112 hours
  • Free Certificate
Examine the language and practice of set theory, and the theory and practice of mathematical proof, with the purpose of getting from "doing mathematics" at an elementary, problem-solving level to "doing mathematics" at an advanced level.

  • Time: 32 hours
  • Free Certificate
Examine the properties behind the concepts of probability and statistics by learning how to investigate the relationships between various characteristics of data.

  • Time: 40 hours
  • Free Certificate
Discover the fundamentals of math, like decimals, percents, and fractions using scenarios that relate directly to events that you will come across every day in your life.

  • Time: 38 hours
  • Free Certificate
Learn how to use algebra for a variety of everyday tasks like calculating the change you will get back after a purchase, explore how to analyze relationships by graphing, and see how to use math to describe real-world situations in business, accounting, and science.

  • Time: 41 hours
  • Free Certificate
Study the relationships between lines and angles, learn to calculate how much space an object covers, determine how much space is inside of a three-dimensional object, and explore other relationships between shapes, objects, and the mathematics that govern them.