• Course Introduction

        • Time: 0.1 hours
        Welcome to Saylor Academy! This short course will show you the basics of being a student at Saylor Academy and the basic layout of our courses. It will share important information about what you will learn in the course, what to expect as a student, and how to get help as a student. Click on the Course Syllabus below to learn more about this course.

        • Code of Conduct

          As a student of Saylor Academy, I agree to the Code of Conduct:

          • I will make only one account. I will be the only user of that account.
          • I will not share final exam questions.
          • I will not share my answers with anyone else unless the assignment asks me to collaborate with others.
          • I will not copy anyone else's work. I will not use anyone else’s text or ideas in any of my own work, including my answers, without saying where I found them or naming that person. That is plagiarism.
          • I will be respectful and courteous to other members of the Saylor Academy community.
          • I will follow the Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Student Handbook.

        • Unit 1: Programs

          You can find more information about our programs here. When you're done with a resource, check the box to the right to keep track of your progress.

        • Unit 2: Partners

          Learn more about our different types of partners in this unit.

        • Unit 3: Plagiarism and Conduct

          Plagiarism is using anyone else's work, words, or ideas and not naming that person. Some examples of plagiarism are copying someone else's exam answers, taking words or ideas from a webpage without including the name of the author or webpage, or giving the wrong information about where a source came from. Even if you change a few words, if the work is mostly the same, it is still plagiarism!

          Please do not plagiarize. It may be easier to copy someone else's work, but it won't help you learn!

          • Final Exam

            To complete a course and earn a certificate of completion you need to pass the Certificate Final Exam for that course.

            For this Saylor001 course, there is not a certificate of completion, but you can still take the very short (one question!) exam to see how exams work and to complete this course. Just click the link below: